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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Check in this thread tonight, for results from the Thompson Speedways opening night of weekly Thursday racing. Forum Member CSG, will be giving us results from the track. So check in throughout the night.
Its a great night for racing, and the Big T'S first regular Thursday night racing program of the season is under way. Our man on the scene CSG reports, 28 SK Modifieds are on hand with the 2 heat race wins going to, Todd Ceravolo and Kerry Malone. TC is on hand in his own #13. A wreck occured in the SK heats involving George Bessette, Josh Steeves and Dan Lajuenesse hopefully the damage wasnt to severe for them to continue.
In Pro Stock heat action the winners were, Ron Smith and George Bessette.
Late Model heats were won by Darrell Keane and Woody Pitkat.
And in the Limited Sportsman heat races the winners were, Ken Fecteau and Walt Hovey.
A big thank you to CSG for this info, and we will be back later with feature event results!!!
The SK's have run their feature event and the top 6 were:
Kerry Malone
Jeff Malave
Bo Gunning
Ted Christopher
John Sandberg
Adam Norton
Side notes: Tom Cravenho and Bert Marvin were involved in a wreck, resulting in Cravenho's car sustaining heavy damage. Marvin was able to continue. Todd Ceravolo, led the first half of the race only to be black flagged for leaking while leading.
Once again, without CSG these live Thompson results wouldnt have been possible so a big thanks to him, and everyone else should shout out a thanks to him as well!!
Boy, usually we have to wait until the next morning to get the results from the TIS site... Awesome job CSG! And thank you OWR for giving me the night off. Good job guys!
To those of you who can't get to Stafford, see you in the chatroom tomorrow night for a LIVE results Chat!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!