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With all the RUMORS beginning to circulate, I thought maybe we could start putting together our totally UNOFFICIAL 2010 schedule for the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour. I will start with posting JUST TRACKS for now. We can get dates added as they become TRUE events.
Here is my beginning to work from:
Thompson - I'm thinking maybe only two races in 2010 IceBreaker and World Series. How about we make the IceBreaker the 300 and start our season with the biggest race like our NASCAR Taxi-cab Series.
Stafford - I'm going to say three races in 2010 Spring Sizzler, CT Classic, Fall Final.
New Hampshire - Two races, both on Saturday, both on SPEED(same day). Pretty much done deaL here.
Bristol - Definitely will happen, hopefully with TV again.
Chemung - Think they will be back. Just a suggestion here. Why not put $$$ from this years cancellation into purse for 2010 event. You have all winter to store it in the bank.
Spencer- Most likely will be back.
Martinsville - Pretty sure this will happen. How about TV here.
Riverhead - Hope this tradition continues. This is one that should get TV.
Richmond - Several RUMORS going around about the Tour finally returning. TV PLEASE!!!
Lime Rock Park - RUMORS are circulating.
Some it would be nice tracks:
Caraway - Make one of the events there a combination race.
Greenville-Pickens - A track with so much history. Make it a combination event.
Watkins Glenn - We ran here before. We might run Lime rock so we would have the parts. Maybe part of Camping World East Series weekend.
Dover - If we can run Bristol, we can run here.
South-Boston - Another history rich track. This should be a combo race also.
And finally how about going to "The Rock" even if on the small track.
Allright thats my two and a half cents worth. Let's here it from other people. Annons this is your chance to really get into it.
Annon, two things for you to look at. One try reading where Lime Rock Park owner Skip Barber talks about bringing the Tour to his track. Secondly, a track DOES NOT NEED TO BE NASCAR SANCTIONED. Adirondack Speedway hosts the NASCAR Camping World East Series and is ASA sanctioned.