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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Plattsburgh, NY Montreals Patrick Laperle used smart tire strategy and a strong car to win the American Canadian Tour Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Fall Foliage 300 after leading the majority of the way. Laperle battled early with another Quebecer Donald Theetge as they both started on the front row. Theetge spun on lap 14 and opened the door for another Serie ACT Castrol regular Karl Allard. Allard and Laperle then went at it until about the halfway point when Allard bowed out with rearend issues.
The majority of the drivers chose to pit between about laps 120 and 160, while Laperle lasted until lap 248 until he pitted for fresh tires and fuel. It didnt take Laperle long to move back to the front of the field and get by Brent Dragon and Brian Hoar, who were leading the way. Laperle took the lead again on lap 258 and led the rest of the way.
Brian Hoar and Brent Dragon held on for second and third. John Donahue, Scott Payea and Chip Grenier were the final 3 cars on the lead lap. Donald Theetge, Sylvain Lacombe, Craig Bushey and Glen Luce rounded out the top ten.
The 300 lap event took 1 hour, 57 minutes and 59 seconds to complete with 10 cautions. Nineteen of the thirty-six cars that started the event took the checkers. A total of 39 cars attempted to qualify.
The American Canadian Tour, Serie ACT Castrol and other top Late Model competitors from around the Northeast and Canada, will compete next weekend on Saturday, September 19 in the Inaugural ACT Invitational at New Hampshire Motor Speedway. Post time for the most talked about Late Model event of 2009 is set for 5:30 pm.
Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Fall Foliage 300 Unofficial Results