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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The weather down on the Ct shoreline is just perfect! It is such a clear day I can hear the cars running out my window 10 miles away! The heats and coni's are running now and we will bring live podium results from each of the features as they come in via cell from the track. The Speedbowl hosts the Super Modifieds tonight and that should be a great show. Stay Tuned!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Dennis Gada showed he still has it as he took the checker in tonight's SK feature at the Waterford Speedbowl. Ted Christopher was about 3-4 car lengths beind him, but battling with Ron Yuhas for second. Eyewitnesses say that their were alot of beaten up race cars in tonight's event, but no major controversy.
Below is the Unofficial finish for the SK's.
Dennis Gada
Ted Christopher
Ron Yuhas Jr
Rob Janovic Jr
Jay Miller
Tyler Chadwick
Mike Finkeldey
Chris Pasteryak
Ronnie Silk
John Bergenty
John Brouwer Jr
Mark Pane
Frank Mucciacciaro
Robbie Summers
Curt Lenihan
Dennis Charette
Jeff Pearl
Donny Fowler
Wendell Dailey
Ernie Bertrand
Tommy Fox
Tom Cravenho
Glen Colvin
Matt Adanti
Shawn Monahan
Didn't get any details yet, the Supers are running and I couldn't hear. I am going to check the spellings right now!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 09:46, 2005-05-29
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The Super Modified Feature event has been completed with Lou Cicconi taking the win and Pat Abold second. The Sportmen, Late Models, and Mini Stocks still have their features to run, but it is starting to sprinkle at the Bowl! Hopefully they will get the rest of the night's festivities in before it actually rains!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
There was a slight shower after the Sportsmen feature was run, but they are drying the track now and plan to continue with the Minis, and run the Late Model Feature last.
The top three in the Sportsmen feature were:
John Puglisi
Billy Gertsch Jr
Joe Curiso III
Be back with the Mini feature results when the checker drops!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 09:48, 2005-05-29
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Got home from the bowl at 9:30 because it started to rain and my feature (SKs) had already run. The SK race was normal for this year. Some bumping and bottlenecking up caused some accidents. Christopher fished about half car lenght behind Gada after giving Dennis a shot in the rear coming into four. Right now the points will change a lot 4th on down and at the bottom after every one is playing catch up because Ron Yuhas has started in the very back every race and coming out with great finishes like tonight (thanks to some pile ups) so he has has a nice 36 point lead. The ISMA was just like a Sk race except with oversized midgets. The first lap 3rd turn there was a big pile up and then the fast guy ran away with it. The Stricklies wernt to good because it was racing and every one was cautious wich led to a alomost green flag finish (yellow came out at the line for a yellow checker). I dont think the track will dry up any or it will take too long to dry it..
Sorry Pat, but the news from the track is that they got in the whole show. It seemed to have gone pretty smoothly because even with the rain the show was completed by about 10:10pm.
The Mini Stock feature podium results are as follows (unofficiallly):
Phil Evans
Bill Leonard
Joe Godbout Jr.
Late Models have just completed their feature as well and we have the top 6 finishers from tonight's event.
Moose Douton
Corey Hutchings
Mark St. Hilaire
Charlie Bailey (in the ACT car)
Allen Coates
Dennis Botticello (another ACT entry)
Thank Goodness they got in tonight's show. It certainly looked "iffy" there for a while. We will be back next week with LIVE results from the track, and don't forget about Friday night chats from Stafford, and Thursday night Thompson results LIVE from the track for the opener of the regular season at TIS! See you next week, and thanks for supporting MakingLaps.com.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 22:23, 2005-05-28
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The Late Model race was a great race Pat6, as Moose Douton beat back all challegers to win. Corey Hutchings, Allen Coates, and Charles BaileyIII put on one whale of a battle for 3rd for several laps, almost going 3 wide at times. Dennis Botticelo was a nice addition in the #03 ACT car.
overall it was great to see a full show run. our car was great in practice, but after we got our entire left rear corner knocked in, the car went to junk. our right front was flat, which might have been the problem. we were extremely happy to come home with a top 5 after getting a lot of damage and being that far off. it feels great to be tied for second in points.