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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Stafford Motor Speedway announced the cancelllation of the rest of tonight's activities at around 8:25pm. They had run the WMT qualifying with Donny Lia setting fast time, and all the Heats and Consi's that were scheduled to run.
They also got in the Limited Late Model feature, and the podium finishers were as follows:
Michael Bennett
Andrew Durand
Paul Verrecchio (sp)
The schedule will continue on Sunday evening, July 3rd, 2005 with qualifying as it stands.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Other than that, the Late Model 16 race was run. And then I left when I saw the first sign of lightning during the Late Model feature. And I won't even start with another "Michael Bennett wins another Limited Late Model race" weekly take. Seriously, it's getting quite boring.
It definitely looked quite, "ominous" as the dark clouds rolled in from behind turns 1 and 2, and also some pretty "spectacular" lightning strikes were seen. At first, the track announced over the PA system that the rain was fast moving, and should pass by in about 15 minutes or so and they were gonna put things on hold, and then give it another go. But after a little while it was obvious the rain was going to hang around for a little longer than 15 minutes, and the show was called off.
One note of interest in the Late Model division, the Hamms Welding #13 car that was driven opening day by TC, was being piloted by Mike Quintilliano and he looked very stout in the car, starting dead last in his heat and winning it in a close finish. Then in the feature had worked his way up to the 2nd position before the rains stopped the race at the halfway mark.
The remainder of the show will be held on July 3rd (Sunday) where they will finish the remaining 15 laps of the Late Models and then run the SK Feature , Modified Tour, then the Dare Stocks. So see you all of July 3rd !
Really didn't know where to put this, so I'm sticking it here. Maybe someone will see it.
I won't be at the track and will have no access to a computer tonight. I am going to attend a banquet for school (7-10pm). I'll come by tomorrow morning with comments about the winners of the races. Let's hope the winners are better than who they were two weeks ago...
Gotcha Mandy, I found it! And, thanks for letting us know! We will be in the chatroom tonight only until the features are over, but I always post the LIVE results in the current night's thread as well. Have a great time this evening...
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!