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Jimmy will be driving a second Tomanio car at New Hampshire this coming weekend. The info came directly from a Tomanio crew member at Thompson last week. As far as Barney I believe that deal is for Wall Speedway in a new Troyer car. As far as the Tour goes, look for a Blewett family owned car to return to The WMT with a schedule similair to what John boy used to run!
Jimmy will be driving a second Tomanio car at New Hampshire this coming weekend. The info came directly from a Tomanio crew member at Thompson last week. As far as Barney I believe that deal is for Wall Speedway in a new Troyer car. As far as the Tour goes, look for a Blewett family owned car to return to The WMT with a schedule similair to what John boy used to run!
Why on earth would Jimmy Blewett get into a second Tomanio car?
next year blewetts car will run wall only both wall mods and tour. on the wmt he will drive for barneys with a troyer car, barneys will run wall tour races with wooley with the raceworks. one raceworks car is being sold. thats the deal,take it to the bank. jimmy next race will be wall 10-24-09
I would't say that he is washed up however if you think for one minute that the worst day of his life doesn't run through his mind every time he gets in a race car you are saddly mistaken.The what if factors in that for sure.What if he backed off ,what if maybe John would have backed off he would still be here today.John was a good guy and would be proud him for even racing at all.Put yourself in his shoes if you think its easy for him todo your very wrong.I am really not a Jimmy blewett fan far from it but you have to admire him for doing what john would want him to do.I won,t give him a free pass but a will at least give him a big thumbs up for doing what most people would't even have the cookies to even try .
OK, this thread is starting to go WAY away from the main point. The toic is JIMMY LEAVES THE #12 PERIOD. You personal opinions are respected WHEN THEY ARE NOT GIBBERISH DRIVER BASHINGS. I find it amusing that ALL direct attacks are made by ANNON posters.
When I wrote about Jimmy Blewett and what he has gone through it was in response to the posting by another annon about jimmy being all washed up.I was sticking up for him saying more or less walk a mile in Jimmys shoes and see where you stand.I really don;t think it was jibberish either .Iwas merely going to bat for JIMMY,even though I am really not a jimmy fan.I am truley sorry if I offended anyone with my post I just thought it was wrong for someone to post that Jimmy was all washed up after all he and his family have been through.Mr. Moderator you are right about this going way to far after all all Jimmy did was make a change in what car he drives.The all washed up is goig way too far and all I did was respond to it.We should all wish him luck with his new venture and move on ,Thanks.