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Jimmy Blewett and TS Haulers have parted ways effective immediately, with Keith Rocco taking over the Tour car, and Ronnie Silk the SK Modifieds. More on Shawn Courchesne's Blog can be found here.
-- Edited by Ben Althen on Monday 31st of August 2009 04:11:57 PM
Great another spoiled punk who will be in waaaaaaaaaayyyyy over his head fanflippintastic.....kid should stay getting penilized in the sk s ... for being over his head in that suckie division .... unbelieveable
Annon, you are entitled to YOUR OPINIONS although I disagree with ALL of them. Keith is a proven talent that races hard for wins as did the driver whom he is replacing. And as for your comment about the SK Modifieds, well if you do not appreciate what they mean to the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour, R.O.C. Tour, and True Value Modified Racing Series perhaps you need a better brand of coffee. Without the SK Type Modifieds there would be NONE of these divisions PERIOD AND THE END.
Well said aare you kidding me ..Lets think whats the oldest division in Nascar HMMM guess they dident need sk back then did they ....A proven talent ..just like Civali right ...was Civali suspended from all nascar sanctions for trying to kill somone at stafford ..guess you dont agree with that do you ....it was just last week Rocco was penalized at thompson wasent he always drives over his head and i know for a fact thats not the only time ..guess we need someone to get killed ooo wait thats already happened how many times ...I have been there for all of them. I never said ANYTHING about R.O.C or true value I think they put on a good show ...lets see admin how many times have you been at a caution ridden Sk race at thompson ..umm every time annnd they almost always take longer than the Whelen race oh um thats 3 times longer ... you might be a SK homer but i would mutch rather see a real talent Like that Derek Randstrom or whatever the kids name is in a good ride ..No affiliation and never met him but kid is way more of the real deal than any of the high strung punks getting top notch rides .... Well said
Just what we need another SK talent on the tour.Its an awfully big step for anyone to make My oponion he just fits in the same mold as Cevali if you can,t pass him wreck him ,just great.Everyone thinks just because your fast in a SK,wreck people get sent to the rear you,ll be great for the tour.Look at the stats over the years how many SK wonders have ever won a championship or even finished near the top of a championship race.How many consistantly could you consider a true front runner on the tour?I would hope Cevali and Rocco would prove me wrong on this but I doubt than will.
why do some people waste their time running their mouth about somebody they never met? Try running with him or being in the pits with him. He's good, ypu can't argue that fact. Stop wasting your time and everyboy elses that reads this site. Rocco is one of the best mod drivers right now, give him some props for making the next step up, what yours???? down
Just what we need another SK talent on the tour.Its an awfully big step for anyone to make My oponion he just fits in the same mold as Cevali if you can,t pass him wreck him ,just great.Everyone thinks just because your fast in a SK,wreck people get sent to the rear you,ll be great for the tour.Look at the stats over the years how many SK wonders have ever won a championship or even finished near the top of a championship race.How many consistantly could you consider a true front runner on the tour?I would hope Cevali and Rocco would prove me wrong on this but I doubt than will.
7 out of the top 12 right now have come from the SK's. Maybe even more if you figure in whatever they call them outside CT.
how can you say hes one of the best .....when he wins a race clean on the tour ill take it back until then id rather have him stay wrecking his way to the front in the sks ..szegedy has done a good job from the sks and thats it ..but he is a exception
The point I was trying to make is that if Jack Arute had not created the SK Modified division when he did, the Tours we enjoy today would not be here. That is fact, not just my opinion.
I too have witnessed many deaths in my years of following the Tour. which by the way, has been since the very first race. BUT, can we put the blame on wreckless driving for all of them??? Do you really believe that Jimmy wanted John to die??? Was Tony J's. not due to a bad judment coming out of the pits? Don Pratt's I know had NOTHING to do with bad driving.
As pointed out by another forum member, look where todays Tour drivers are coming from. The tracks actually running Tour Type Modifieds have produced how many new Tour drivers ??? If The SK division is so terrible, then why do so many Tour drivers compete in them. In MY OPINION The SK Type Modified is the Nationwide Series of Modified Racing.
Annon, as you can see, I try to think before I post.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour on Thursday 3rd of September 2009 12:50:19 PM
annon first why dont you use your name why are you hiding second what are you racing or are you just another grandstand champ rocco is hands down the most talented young new open wheel driver in new england
annon first why dont you use your name why are you hiding second what are you racing or are you just another grandstand champ rocco is hands down the most talented young new open wheel driver in new england
I think the real fans that were at Thompson last night saw what you are talking about. The kid did a super job. It also helps to have one of the best cars on the Tour.
We use to call his old man Champ in the Plainville Stadium days. The kid will be called that too some day.
well Annon they say opinions are like ***holes, everyone has one. when you get your ride on the tour let's hope people give you more appraisal than you give to James. Until then let's use this FORUM for something other than bashing James OK.
First and foremost I know Jeff M quite well, and I don't think he's much of an "Internet message board guy" and secondly between his business and racing, I very highly doubt he has time to come on here and argue with "ya'll".
This thread is wandering down the road of "pointless and no return" either get back on subject, which was Blewett leaving the #12 and Rocco going in it or the thread will be locked.