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Hopefully Third Time Lucky At Thompson Speedway Thursday
Thompson, CT (8/25/09) The saying Third Time Lucky dates back to the mid 1800s Don Hoenig, owner of the Thompson CT; Speedway hopes those words will apply this Thursday night, August 27, when the True Value Modified Racing Series comes to town to compete in the Town Fair Tire 75. It will be the third attempt by the speedways management to complete the race program. The race was rained out in June and July.
A total of 34 cars were signed in and practicing July 23 when the skies opened leaving management with no other option than to postpone the race.
We have every reason to believe that most competitors will be returning said series director John Hoyt. Its my understanding that Jimmy Kuhn lost a motor at Seekonk and Ed Dachenhausen lost his at Waterford. You hate to lose two solid competitors like that but its that time of year. When you start pushing Labor Day money becomes real tight and we know that, its unfortunate, Hoyt added.
Point leader Jon McKennedy, Chelmsford, MA; takes a 41 point lead into Thompson over Rowan Pennink, HuntingdonValley. PA; Rob Goodenough, Swanzey, NH; Steven Masse, Bellingham, MA; and defending champion, Chris Pasteryak, Lisbon, CT. Pennink and Pasteryak have quietly worked their way into the top five point standings. All drivers are expected to enter the race.
In addition, Les Hinckley, Windsor Locks, CT; an eleven time series winner, long time veteran Peter Jarvis, Ascutney, VT; veterans Mike Holdridge, Madison, CT; and Jack Bateman, Canaan, NH; Doug Coby, Milford, CT, and the races defending champion, Todd Owen, Somers, CT are expected.
Drivers from the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour expected to compete based on their July registrations include seven-time champion Mike Stefanik, Coventry, RI; defending series champion, Ted Christopher, Plainville, CT; former TVMRS regular Bobby Grigas, Marshfield, MA; Doug Coby, Milford, CT. and Jimmy Prime Time Blewett, Calverton, NY
In addition to the Town Fair Tire 75, the six weekly NASCAR Whelen All-American Series divisions will compete with a special price in effect for the program. Adult tickets are priced at $20. Qualifying heat races begin at 5:30 PM.