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St-Croix, QC Donald Theetge of Boischatel, QC scored his second win of the season at the Riverside 150 at Riverside Speedway in St-Croix, Quebec. Theetge is now the all-time win leader for the Serie ACT Castrol with 14 career wins. Theetge was chased to the line by Sylvain Lacombe and Patrick Hamel, the only other two on the lead lap.
Jacques Poulin came home fourth followed by Karl Allard, Dany Ouellet, Patrick Cliche, Eric St-Gelais, Stephane Descoste, and David Michaud to complete the top ten respectively.
Unofficially Theetge now moves back into the point lead after Patrick Laperle had rearend issues. Laperle had to replace his rearend after it broke in his heat race. His crew got it repaired in time for the feature, but Laperle had to start in 25th. Laperle moved from his 25th starting position through the field and into the lead by lap 22. He then led until lap 98 and lapped the majority of the field in the process. On the 99th circuit his rearend let go again and he was done for the day.
Sylvain Lacombe then inherited the lead. After battling Stephane Descoste for about 17 laps, Theetge moved into the lead and held on until the checkers. Theetge has already qualified for the ACT Invitational at New Hampshire Motor Speedway on Saturday, September 19th. Therefore the number of qualifiers remains at 14 including a representative from 8 different states/provinces. Over 50 teams will be at New Hampshire Motor Speedway this Tuesday, August 25 and Wednesday, August 26 for a Test and Tune session to prepare for the historical event.
Next weekend, Saturday, August 29, is the Coors Light Showdown 200 at Autodrome Chaudiere. The all-star race includes 11 of the best ACT Tour competitors against 11 of the best Serie ACT Castrol drivers. The Showdown kicks off the American Canadian Tours Money Month, where $250,000 in purse money will be rewarded to late model teams from August 29 to September 27 in the biggest five races of the year.