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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Waterford, CT Five-time American Canadian Tour Champion Brian Hoar captured his second victory in a row in the Nutmeg State 100 at Waterford Speedbowl on Saturday, August 8. The first 28 laps of the event were run on Saturday, June 13, but the remaining 72 laps were postponed due to rain. Brad Leighton led the way through the first half of the race after taking the lead from his outside pole starting position.
Hoar worked his way through the field from his eleventh starting position to take the lead on lap 55. Hoar and Leighton then swapped the lead, and lots of paint, several times throughout the remainder of the race. The battle between the two continued through the final laps until Leighton tangled with a lap car coming to the white flag. Hoar, who was running on the outside of Leighton, narrowly missed the incident and continued on to complete the race. Leighton ended up in the infield and did not complete the 100th lap.
Randy Potter, who was running fourth when the accident happened, took advantage of the incident and finished second. Potter was followed closely by point leader Scott Payea, John Donahue, and Waterford Speedbowl regular Tim Jordan. Brent Dragon, Joey Doiron, Joey Polewarczyk, Jr., Ron Yumas, Jr., and Tyler Cahoon all avoided the mayhem and came home in the top ten.
Hoar now has 25 career ACT Tour wins and two in the 2009 season. He has already qualified for the ACT Invitational at New Hampshire Motor Speedway on Saturday, September 19, with his win at Beech Ridge Motor Speedway.
The ACT Tour now has a few weeks off before returning to Twin State Speedway in Claremont, NH on Friday, September 4 for the rescheduled Twin State 100. Also coming up is the Chaudiere Showdown 200 at Autodrome Chaudiere in Vallee-Junction, QC on Saturday, August 29. The Showdown is an all-star race between the top eleven drivers in the ACT Tour point standings and the top eleven drivers in the Série ACT Castrol point standings.