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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Barre, VT Bill Davis of Monson, MA earned $5,000 with his win in the 250 lap 25th Annual M&M Beverage Enduro. Davis along with over 150 other cars from all over the northeast attempted to snag the big pay check. Long time leader Adam Gray of Belchertown, MA dropped out with less than 30 laps remaining and handed the victory to Davis. The event saw lots of action including several pile-ups and even a roll over.
Williamstowns Michael MacAskill took home his second career Allen Lumber Street Stock win and first of the season in a special 50 lap event. MacAskill took the lead from Dave Whitcomb with two laps to go and survived a green-white-checkered finish. Whitcomb finished second followed by Tommy Thunder Smith, Tucker Williams and Jason Corliss. Forty cars started the fifty lap feature.
Bunker Hodgdon of Hardwick made a return to the Power Shift Junkyard Warrior division and won the Monza style two segment event. Hodgdon finished third in the first segment and won the second segment, both from the rear of the fifteen car field. Lance Donald also finished with a third and a win but lost the tie breaker because Hodgdon beat him in the second segment. Donald finished second followed by Kevin Dodge who compiled six points with a second and a fourth.
The 50th Anniversary Season at Thunder Road will continue with a double header this Thursday, August 13 and Friday, August 14. Thursday will be the Vermont ACE Hardware dealers event featuring the third and final Tiger Sportsmen Tri-State Series 100 lap event. Thunder Road Late Models, Allen Lumber Street Stocks and Power Shift Junkyard Warriors will join the card. Friday the action will continue with the rescheduled Pepsi Night. It will be a regular event for all four divisions with a 50s/60s themed sock hop in the pit area immediately following the racing. There will be a live DJ, a hoola-hoop contest and a costume contest. Post time on Thursday will be 6:30pm and Fridays post time is set for 6:00pm.
Allen Lumber Street Stocks Unofficial Top Five 1. Michael MacAskill (3) Williamstown, VT, 2. Dave Whitcomb (77) Elmore, VT, 3. Tommy Smith (50) Williamstown, VT, 4. #Tucker Williams (99) Hyde Park, VT, 5. Jason Corliss (61) Danville, VT.
Power Shift Warriors Unofficial Results 1. Bunker Hodgdon (20) Hardwick, VT, 2. Lance Donald (52) Williamstown, VT, 3. Kevin Dodge (8) Barre, VT, 4. Keith Fortier (35) Hinesburg, VT, 5. Ken Christman (4) Cabot, VT, 6. Kevin Streeter (61) Waitsfield, VT, 7. John Prentice (87) Northfield, VT, 8. Donny Yates (05) N. Montpelier, VT, 9. Mark LaFleche (63) Williamstown, VT, 10. Thomas Elwood (33) Morrisville, VT, 11. Cheryl Kingsbury (13) Waitsfield, VT, 12. Alex Whitcomb (78) Montpelier, VT, 13. Matt Monaghan (11) Colchester, VT, 14. Justin Town (53) E. Barre, VT, 15. Bryan Nykiel (80) Berlin, VT.