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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
It's a few days into the month, but I wanted to wait until after the Riverhead (NY) Raceway event before I posted this month's "Just My Thoughts".
HEALTH OF THE TOURS - There has been many RUMORS of the Whelen Southern Modified Tour coming to end after this season. With 31 drivers scoring points so far in 2009, I really can not see this happening. If anything I expect to see more combination races added to the 2010 schedule. Also, the Whelen Modified Tour has had close to 60 drivers enter events so far this season. I expect to see that number climb close to 70 by seasons end. Bristol Motor Speedway event is RUMORED to bring back a former Tour R.O.Y., and while looking a Zane Zeiner's website he has Bristol's event on his schedule. I would not be surprised to see several drivers who do not run the Tour attemp Bristol.... I mean come on i's B-R-I-S-T-O-L.
RIVERHEAD - I absolutely LOVE this track. Unfortunately I was unable to make what sounded like a hell of a race. Was good to see track regular Dave Brigati run with the "Big Dawgs". And love him or hate him, you have to admire the acomplishments of Ryan Preece and the "Ole Blue" team.
TODD SZEGEDY - Nice to see Todd leading the points, the first driver other than TC to do so in quite a while. I remember when Todd first started in the SK division, I told some close friends (yeah that includes you Open and "Driver #34") that he was going to be a big name someday. With a Tour Championship and leading the points now, I guess that was not a bad prediction.
YOUNG GUNS - Prior to both the Whelen and Whelen Southern Tour seasons, I predicted a few drivers that would have break out seasons in 2009. Among my predictions were George Brunhoelzl III, and Erick Rudolph. George currently leads the Whelen Southern Tour points, and Erick has taken down his first Whelen Tour win. Yes, I will pat myself on the back now .
BRISTOL, BRISTOL, BRISTOL - Let's hope this event showcases the combined Tour's the way it should. Hopefully it will be a good CLEAN race. Don't forget if you can not attend, it will be airing on a 45 minute tape delay courtesy of SPEED. This event could be the door opener for returns to other "Big Name" tracks and additions to the schedule in 2010. Can we all say RICHMOND and WATKINS GLEN. DOVER would be a nice addition as well. Seems those Hub problems teams feared can be corrected.
Well that is it for this month. Agree or disagree, I hope to get some feedback.
As always, thank you to everyone for their AWESOME continuing support of the site, and for taking the time to read "Just My Thoughts"