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It was said at the bottom of the schedule online that Tech was not going to go light with any SK that didn't weigh well on the scales.
Bolles unofficially finished third. He went on the scales and was pushed off. His car sat at the end of the scales after it was weighed and he was talking to the officials. His crew pulled his wagon out of the tech area and his car went straight to his trailer. I suspect he may have been disqualified.
Yeah, very true. I mean, I'm pretty sure they all knew this ahead of time, and I'm talking about all the teams in the race tonight. So why does somebody think that they can get away with it? A stupid move, if you ask me.
Yeah, very true. I mean, I'm pretty sure they all knew this ahead of time, and I'm talking about all the teams in the race tonight. So why does somebody think that they can get away with it? A stupid move, if you ask me.
I am not sure i will call it stupid as much as maybe lazy. They were over on left side percentage by somewhere between .5% and 1%.
The car was correct to their shop scales. But we all know it only matters what you weigh at the track. Each team has plenty of time to check the car on the stafford scales. Maybe they were lazy , maybe they thought it wasnt going to be a problem.
What i dont understand is ..... Bowles get tossed for being "illegal", Kenny Horton gets a three lap penalty for spinning to the infield and Ted Christopher get no penalty for changing two tires - when the rules state no changing unless rim is bent or tire is flat.
TC changed tires after the spin with Colby towards the end, caution came right back out and they made him put the old tires back on because they wern't flat flat spotted yes but not flat.
That final time, the officials allowed the team to change tires, if I heard that right. Which was acceptable, according to the rules I read.
Don't know if there was actually a problem with the tires that came off of the car or not.
The rule is:
You can not change a tire unless it is flat or the rim is bent.
The officals did NOT allow him to change the tires. He changed them even after the official on pit road told the crew they can not change them.
Teddy changed two tires on that stop. Neither tire was flat and neither rim was bent. Nascar offical on pit road confirmed during the stop neither tire was flat nor rim bent.
Franks penatly was to make him come back in and put one of the two tires back on. How come he didnt have to put both tires back on if neither was supposed to be changed? How come their wasnt a penalty for breaking the rules? I bet if it was anyone else their laps wouldnt have counted when they went on the track.
Horton gets a three lap penatly for a subjective call (Frank thought it was an intentional spin) and TC does a blatant rules violation and no penaltly.
Bolles get tossed for a marginal but none the less blatant rules violation and TC does a blatant rules violation and no penalty.
I dont think its right to blantanly ignore the rule and the officials and be allowed to get away with it.
TC changed tires after the spin with Colby towards the end, caution came right back out and they made him put the old tires back on because they wern't flat flat spotted yes but not flat.
Why did they wait for a caution to make him put one of the two back on? Why not make him come in under green? Why not make him put both on?
The caution came right back out if not it would have been under green, I'm not defending anybody here I was just trying to tell Mandy b. what happened.
The 13 car never should have left pit road on the stop to begin with without changing tires back. The official walked up behind them and watched them do it and kinda tapped them on the shoulder to stop while the crews around him got his attention and all he did was shrug his shoulders. By the time he actually did anything to attract their attention he was gone. The same thing happened with a different team in the 100 and they did nothing about it and they got away with putting a sticker on when there was nothing wrong with the tire.
Both rear tires were flat spotted,only the left rear was down to the cord.Team was told to put right rear back on on next lap,and yellow happened to come out.
Anonymous wrote:You can not change a tire unless it is flat or the rim is bent.
Then after that, it was said that the officials could allow you to change tires if they had found a problem with them. (Whatever problem that is, I don't know.) Where'd it say that? Below the schedule from Friday night. Online.
Look, I haven't claimed to have said all the right things so far. I don't expect myself to start saying so.