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Anyone that knows me, knows most of the time I have something to say about most things, but I will just let you all read the following article from the Hartford Courant's Shane Courchesne, please click on the link below:
Wow , that is some news . The BOWL is where I first started tinkering with race cars . It actually is the first racetrack I ever attended . Back in the late sixties and early seventies my Unlce was a regular competitor in the modifieds . This would be a tremendous blow to racing in CT. But I have thought it was coming for several years now . The best thing now would be for Eames to come forward and let people know what is going to happen . this way all drivers can begin to plan for 2006 . A thought from my head would be to have Thompson go to running Saturday nights . Work out a sponsorship deal with some of the Bowls current sponsors to offer an above average purse . With Tioga ( confirmed ) and Wall ( heavily rumored ) also scheduled to close , they could make it appealing to modified drivers from all these tracks to come to Thompson . Does anyone remeber the SNYRA days at Thompson ? There were so many modifieds they ran a B Main each week . This could be the start of something huge for Thompson if they put the effort out . Can you see all the Bowl cars added to Thompsons weekly divisions ? More cars = More money taken in by the track . Which should lead to larger purses . Also I think more fans could make a Saturday night over a Thursday . Heck we could all bring the campers and make a weekend out of it . Wow, maybe I should be a promoter , cause this sounds like it would work to me . Well these are just my crazy ( or not so crazy thoughts) . Take it for what you will .
I have a question now . Why would anyone come to a racing to forum to wish another racetrack to close? Thompson Speedway is one of if not the premiere short tracvk racing venues in the northeast . Hosting major events for several touring series . while I am not one for controversy or starting trouble I find the reply made by anonymous to be very uncalled for . I personally find golf to be a mindless sport , but I dont wish people would build condos for racetracks on golf courses . If these remarks offend I appologize , but I found Anonymous's remark very offending .
I and alot of people feel what I wrote coming, condos or an expansion of the golf course. Things have gotten somewhat better for the track but remember a few years back when they ran 8 or so shows all year.
I agree Saturday night would do well for them, their Thursday night program just doesn't cut it. The place just gives a feeling that other interests might be better IMO.
i dont like golf myself but i dont mind at times to go to a golfing range........but in this case this might be the 3rd track either rumor or confirmed on closing this year or the next...... being wall, tioga<sp> and now waterford.... if there was a track that should be a condo complex it should be hudson but i will leave that one alone for now..... if any track is closing and has been around for many years IE riverside,waterford, that has been around for 50 plus years... it is a shame to see it go.... its just how i see it.......
When I first read the news a lot of different thoughts came to mind, could it be some things Terry said that were taken out of context to this reporter? could it be a ploy by Terry to bring fans to the place, kind of trying to start a "save the Bowl campaign"? But really the sad part is the news shouldn't suprise anyone. With tracks closing all over, and rumors of the place being "on the ropes" for awhile now, and last but not least when it isnt raining! go there on a Saturday night and look in the grandstands, a lot of empty seats. With all that said, it still doesnt IF the place closes make it an easy pill to swallow. Now I've had times when I wanted to be the one on the bulldozer pushing the first bit of earth, and I have had some of my best memories in racing there to. Love or hate the place the bottom line is, IFthe track does close, it will just plain.... suck.
"Love or hate the place the bottom line is, IFthe track does close, it will just plain.... suck."
Wow, that really sums it up. I'll be heartbroken if this really comes to pass. Going to the Bowl has been a fun and affordable thing for my son and I to do together. We don't really have the budget to make the treck to Thompson every week. It really would suck.
Openwheelracer that sums it up best . And I know what you mean about best racing memories there . I think we shared a few together . I also must admit there were times when I would have been the pilot for a "Bomb the Bowl Mission" . But when it comes down to it , I and most others fans must admit IF the Bowl closes it will SUCK.
DebL , all I can say is it is up to people like yourself to get your family and your friends out to the track and anywhere else your voice can be heard . If THE BOWL truly means that much to you , then dont let go without a fight . And your point about your son is what alot of theses money hungry buisnessmen forget . They forget when they were young and racing was everywhere . Even in my days I have seen several tracks go away so some devoloper could make a few more dollars . I hope there will be some tracks left for my children to attend .
If there was no Bowl it would suck. I have enjoyed the bowl for a long time and ussally it is really good racing I would not want to see it close down. I think it will not close because you couldnt really do any thing with the land because it is all swamp.
There must be somthing up or at least an exsplenation to this
Well tonight is the "meeting" where Terry will discuss the recent talk of Waterford closing. Hopefully word of what was said will filter down to us, though I am sure it will. So lets just hope its good news.......
Did not speak yet with anyone who was present at the meeting but, Channel 8 News had a "brief" story at the end of there sports cast saying that Terry said the track would continue operations this season, and he was "90% sure" they would be open in 2006.
quote: Originally posted by: openwheelracer and he was "90% sure" they would be open in 2006.
Well, that's good to hear. I've only been there once in my short life, and I'm planning to go again in June. Let's hope that this "90% sure" rumor is true and more racing will ensue in 2006.