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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Whew, Waterford finally got a feature in. The evening is actually quite mild and the minis took the checker on their feature as the sun went down. The schedule of events is the Sportsmen next, then the Legends, The Sk's, and the Late Models will run last.
We decided to open the chatroom for a casual LIVE results chat from Waterford, come chat about the Cup race while you wait for results. Just click on guest and enter a nickname, then clik on the Track chat and your there! See you soon....
After a long 35 laps, the SK's have finally completed their feature.
SK Podium Results:
Tommy Fox
Ronnie Yuhas
Curt Lenihan
The eyewitness, who hadn't attended a "Bowl race" in a while, had this to say:
"It was typical insanity at the Bowl tonight. People wrecking eachother after the checker, it was so bad I don't even know where we finished. Rob Janovic and someone else still wrecking after the checker, Donny Fowler and Shawn Monihan spent a few laps putting eachother in the grass. TC cut a tire down while leading the race and parked it, he took the DNF. And last but not least, John Brouwer who was ejected from the event after getting out of his car on the frontstretch and making a scene, not listening to instructions=DNF"
For you Sue....Chris Pasteryak, found himself finishing in the back due to all the altercations as well.
I'm sure the OWR will have some things to say about tonight's SK event. Keep watching for the Late Model results, and we are still in the chatroom
Tom Fox
Ron Yuhas
Curt Lenihan
Don Fowler
Rob Summers
Dennis Gada
Jay Miller
Mike Finkeldey
Pete Pavone
Ernie Bertrand
Shawn Monahan
Chris Pastreyak
Rob Janovic
Dennis Charette
Bob Karbonic (I apoogize for the misspelling!)
Mark Payne
Jeff Pearl
Ted Christopher
Rick Donnelly
Tyler Chadwick
Diego Monahan
John Bergenti
Frank Muccaciaro (sp)
Wendell Dailey
Glenn Colvin
Ronnie Silk
Matty Adanti
John Brouwer DQ
-- Edited by bratmaster at 16:50, 2005-05-15
-- Edited by bratmaster at 16:51, 2005-05-15
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Well the night is in the books, and not a drop of rain. The Late Models had a few cutions, but nothing like the SK's. We have the top 6, and they are as follows:
Late Model Results:
Allen Coates
Moose Douton
Carl Ericson
Mark St Hilaire
Charles Bailey III (in the ACT car)
Jay Stuart ( in the Larry Goss ride, Larry apparently retired from competition)
Thanks to the eyewitness who brought us the results and to everyone who stopped by the chatroom to say hi! See you next week....
-- Edited by bratmaster at 23:11, 2005-05-14
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The good ole Bowl . Sounds like things have not changed much since my last visit , which I believe may have been longer ago than the "Eyewitnesses" . I am eagerly anticipating my first trip back there for the Tour race . With some luck I might have time to watch a race or two besides ours that night . Hopefully there are more "antics" to look forward to .
Glad someone else saw that also. It was the reason the 31 pulled way out front under the clinch green from his second starting spot while the officials were told for the second time that there was water by both pit gates. They went green anyway.
TC was running second when he cut a tire and spun and then parked it. Brouwer parked his car at the start finish line under caution, got out of the car stood next to it, flipped the tower the bird, then got back in his car and drove off. The 26 rode the 31 within inches of the front stretch wall off of turn 4, then the 31 turned dead left on the 26 going into turn 1 almost wrecking the cars behind them.
I never saw Brouwer get out. I know he stopped, looked to be unbuckling and taking his gloves off then he just drove away when the push truck came behind him. He must have done it fast I saw the finger at least.
The 26/31 were going at it good, the 26 was useing up a ton of real estate out there having drove the 31 out of the ball park when he tried high, then onto the dirt in one when he tried low. The last straw i guess was when the 26 almost fenced the 31 off of 4.
Both drivers were seen sharing a laugh in the pits after the event.
Thanks for the up dates. Sorry I didn't get back to the chat room last night, got caught in the cup race! Will check in today for the Buch North race (if they race). And thanks for the note on Chris. Sue in Va
Christopher never led a lap last night. And Brouwer, after two laps of finger flipping on the front stretch, on the third lap stopped, unstrapped, got out and sat on the window and flipped the officials off with both hands. (Sigh) And, yes, Fowler ran Monahan all over that track and almost rode him into the front stretch wall when it looked like Monahan finally had enough. I like Fowler, but the only reason he finished 4th was because everyone behind him had wrecked. I'll tell you, there's just more entertainment for my dollar at the Bowl than I can possibly calculate. See ya next week..same Bat Time..same Bat Station.
Thanks to everyone who added to this thread. While we do everything we can to be completely unbiased and factual in our reporting, we will sometimes need clarification, as we are trying to get that information out as quickly as possible to the people who can't be at the track. We encourage the correction of our race reports, as well as opinions from others. It is very difficult to hear via cell contact during the race, and while I try to get the reports as accurate as possible, sometimes I may not hear correctly, (as was the case where I thought I heard TC was leading when he cut the tire down). Since I am not at the track live I rely on others' opinions and point of view. And please excuse the misspelling of any drivers names as well.
My bad....
Sometimes instead of the bratmaster, I feel like the site Crash Test Dummy!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 17:22, 2005-05-15
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
No way Bratmaster, you're the best. I mentioned that Christopher never led a lap because it gives me great pleasure to do so. My son loves him, I hate him. We were very "animated" last night. And when he spun, well, I got my money's worth.