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Third-Place Finish for Jones Exemplifies Vast Improvement
Jones Starting to Shine in Late Models
Three has been a lucky number for Devin Jones lately. While Jones has had three top-ten finishes in his past three races, his third-place finish at Hickory Motor Speedway (NC) on Sunday was his best finish in the PASS Super Late Model Series to date. Being one of the youngest drivers of the PASS Series hasnt stopped Jones from reaching his full potential either; he has definitely shown the big dogs that he has the momentum to run with them, and even beat them. Sundays race at Hickory was just another piece of evidence that Jones could use to prove his strength.
Todays race was just amazing and unbelievable. said Jones about 150-lap race at Hickory. The car was amazing, and its just unreal to have raced such a good car and finished this well. I mean with Chase [Pistone] setting up the cars it was completely different; the cars are to a whole new caliber. Its just awesome.
Still, Jones admits to having made some rookie mistakes that have caused him from winning the race.
Yeah, I spun the tires on the restart and Ive done that a few times. Im just still trying to learn.
Jones next race will be at Newport Speedway (TN) on Saturday, July 18th.