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Naples, ME -- May 10, 2005) Tom Mayberry of PASS and Bill Ryan of Oxford Plains Speedway announced today that they have had enough of the rain and took the hint that Mother Nature wanted something different. So the two promoters put their heads together and came up with a new date and an explosive show for the fans. The New England Dodge Dealers PASS 150 has been rescheduled to Sunday July 3rd as the New England Dodge Dealers Firecracker 150 as part of Oxford’s July 4th Weekend leading up to the Banknorth 250 at the end of the month.
It’s going to be one of the most intense Fourth of July holiday weekends ever at Oxford, starting with the Maine State Lottery Fireworks Night on Saturday July 2nd at 6:30 p.m, considered to be the region’s loudest and most brilliant fireworks show. It will be a full night of Oxford’s Weekly Racing Series, plus the 106.7 Bone Vertical Outlaws in a stuntbike exhibition with the fireworks shortly after dark.
Mayberry commented, "You can be sure that a number of the PASS teams will be making it a doubleheader weekend of racing against the Oxford Pro Stocks Saturday night as a tune up for Sunday. You know it’s getting close to 250 time, so the more track time you have at Oxford the better you will be for the fireworks at the Banknorth 250."
Time trials begin at 4 p.m., followed by a full slate of PASS qualifying heats and consi(s), a PASS Modified Series feature, and feature events for the OPS Lee Auto Mall Late Model Stock, Limited Sportsman, Strictly Stock, and Mini Stock divisions. That makes it an explosive doubleheader weekend at OPS.
"We felt this was a solution that fit our schedule and the PASS schedule, while giving our fans an incredible weekend to start the exciting month of July at Oxford Plains Speedway," Ryan said. "Maine State Lottery Fireworks Night is one of the most anticipated events of our season. We'll follow it up the next afternoon with one of the major Pro Stock events of the year, and the two events are scheduled in such a way that our fans will be able to enjoy both while still following through with their plans for the holiday on Monday."
"With Matt Kenseth and Kyle Busch representing the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series at the Banknorth 250, our local and regional competitors are going to want to take advantage of that opportunity to get a leg up and take some notes that might help them win more than $25,000 later in July," Ryan said. There will now be three major Pro Stock events at OPS within a 50-day span.
The PASS teams will also be at Oxford for the Triple 50s on Saturday, June 11th.
For more information on PASS go to
www.proallstarsseries.com and to followup on Oxford's fantastic Fourth of July weekend or the Banknorth 250, please call the Speedway office at (207) 539-8865 or log on to www.oxfordplains.com