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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Here is a link from Speed51.com to even more trash talking from the New Hampshire Motor Speedway event. But before we get to it....
Can someone PLEASE remind "Mr. Innocent Always aka TC" that he is the defending Tour Champion, and the unofficial spokesperson for the Tour, before he threatens more fellow competitors. If I offend him or anyone else, I DO NOT CARE, he really needs to grow up.
What a piece of work. My favorite part of that story is Christopher's quote about Lia: "and I dont like the guy anyhow." I wonder if he said that with his arms crossed and a pout on his face.
-- Edited by DebL on Tuesday 30th of June 2009 07:55:30 PM
I am beginning to wonder if Jeff Dunham modelled his character Walter after TC.
And thank you to Open (the reason this post is edited). In my rush to get this news out I forgot the most important part... the link. It's nice to have friends looking out for you sometimes LOL.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour on Wednesday 1st of July 2009 08:19:54 AM
Here is a link from Speed51.com to even more trash talking from the New Hampshire Motor Speedway event. But before we get to it....
Can someone PLEASE remind "Mr. Innocent Always aka TC" that he is the defending Tour Champion, and the unofficial spokesperson for the Tour, before he threatens more fellow competitors. If I offend him or anyone else, I DO NOT CARE, he really needs to grow up.
I get the impression TC doesn't care if he offends you either. also seems you just don't like the guy, and if it was his fault or not you would blame him.
-- Edited by openwheelracer on Tuesday 30th of June 2009 11:38:58 PM
Annon, it has NOTHING to do with liking Ted. Personally I think he is an incredible driver, BUT his attitude as the regning Champion leaves a lot to be desired. how can you represent a division and basicaly state that you intend to wreck a fellow competitor in a future race?
Secondly, I have not once blamed him for the crash. I have only posted what was said by him, other drivers, and other reporters. You can point your finger at me all you like. I am only trying to enlighten people to what is being said.