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North Woodstock, NH John Donahue dominated the White Mountain 150 American-Canadian stock car race at White Mountain Motorsports Park in North Woodstock, NH. Donahue earned the pole starting position after receiving a plus 7 in the ACT Tours plus-minus handicap system. No one could keep up with the blistering pace he set as he led every lap of the event and lapped all but the top ten.
Brent Dragon earned the runner-up position followed by Nick Sweet, Eric Williams, and Ben Rowe rounding out the top five. Scott Payea came home sixth, Cris Michaud seventh, Tyler Cahoon eighth, Brad Leighton ninth and Pete Potvin was the last car on the lead lap and finished tenth.
Donahue becomes the sixth different winner in six completed tour events. He becomes the eleventh different driver to earn his way to New Hampshire Motor Speedway for the ACT Invitational on September 19th.
The American-Canadian Tour has next weekend off before making its next stop north of the border in Fraserville, ON at Kawartha Speedway for the Summer Sizzler 200 on Sunday, July 12th.
Unofficial White Mountain 150 Results - 1. John Donahue (26VT) Graniteville, VT, 2. Brent Dragon (55VT) Milton, VT, 3. Nicholas Sweet (88) Barre, VT, 4. Eric Williams (7VT) Hyde Park, VT, 5. Ben Rowe (10NH) Turner, ME, 6. Scott Payea (89) Milton, VT, 7. Cris Michaud (6) Northfield, VT, 8. Tyler Cahoon (38VT) St.Johnsbury, VT, 9. Brad Leighton (55NH) Center Harbor, NH, 10. Pete Potvin (41) Graniteville, VT, 11. Randy Potter (02NH) Groveton, NH, 12. Joey Polewarczyk, Jr. (97NH) Hudson, NH, 13. Dan Colby (68) Lyman, NH, 14. Glen Luce (7ME) Turner, ME, 15. Todd Aldrich (17) N. Haverill, NH, 16. Eric Chase (40VT) Milton, VT, 17. Ricky Rolfe (51ME) Albany TWP, ME, 18. Stacy Cahoon (83) St. Johnsbury, VT, 19. Bernie Langtagne (3) McIndoe Falls, VT, 20. Russ Clark (2)Littleton, NH, 21. Donnie Lashua (08) Meredith, NH, 22. Brian Hoar (37) Williston, VT, 23. Jamie Fisher (18) Shelburne, VT, 24. Chris Bergeron (27) Claremont, NH, 25. Chip Grenier (9VT)Graniteville, VT, 26. Joe Becker (16) Jeffersonville, VT, 27. Aarron Ricker (22) Tamworth, NH, 28. Joey Doiron (73ME) Berwick, ME, 29. Scott Dragon (71) Colchester, VT.