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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Chuck Docherty has taken over the wheel of the #81 SK Modified, and Woody Pitkat will now team up with Jeff Malave by driving the #52 SK Modified (formerly Kerry Malone's championship-winning car in 2003). Apparently, both changes will take effect Friday night (5/6).
Sounds like good deals for both drivers . Hopefully this brings the low car count up a bit. I have always thought of Stafford as one of the premiere race tracks , but they seem to have some problems as of late with full fields . Although some of the "banned" drivers have earned thier title .
I think it's just awesome that Woody found himself something so quickly. The Rowe's have been interested in him for a while, and have sponsored him in other divisions. Kerry Malone's proven equipment, and Jeff Malave as a mentor/teammate. What more could an up and coming young SK driver require?
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
I have been watching Woody for a few years, he is definitely and up and coming driver. As for Docherty he is a great driver and guy, glad he got back with the Dipaso
Heard that Docherty was asked to drive the #81 first, but declined. Also Malone was asked and also declined. And Shawn Tryon was in the running for the ride to. I think Docherty will do a good job for them. Pitkat in a Davidson car.... not a big suprise but I have always thought of Malave as somebody that can only drive for himself, Im suprised he has stayed where he is this long. How will having teamate sit with him??
Was just sharing what I had heard. Im not affiliated with either team, so I dont know it all as fact, and some of it was just my opinion and everyone entitled to their opinion.
For the record, Docherty was asked and imidiately accepted, Malone was never contacted, he contacted someone to get their number and never called, Tryon called and was told it was already filled. And the list goes on.
Thanks so much for clarifying and giving the straight scoop. One thing about a public board like this is that the views expressed may not be factually based. We try to keep all the facts that are released by the administration and moderators of the board to direct links to track websites and team press releases, and when a rumor is posted it is stated as such. The most important thing about these latest bits of news is that we wish the 81 team a successful season! Even though you guys are getting a late start, between Chuck and the team it will be apparent after the first night, they WILL be a force to be reckoned with....
and we will be in the chatroom live Friday night reporting the results....
sorry for the shameless chat plug!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 19:24, 2005-05-04
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!