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The Monitor has confirmed Amelia business owner Wayne Patterson, who operated Patterson Equipment and Repair on U.S. Rt. 360 in Jetersville, was killed in an accident on Rt. 360 in NottowayCounty early Thursday (May 14) morning.
According to the Virginia State Police, Jimmie Wayne Patterson, 60, of Jetersville, was killed in a single-vehicle crash in NottowayCounty. At 12:42 a.m., Virginia State Police Trooper J.D. Moses was called to the scene at the intersection of Rt. 360 and Rt. 615. Mr. Patterson was driving his 2000 Chevrolet Silverado, traveling westbound on Rt. 360 when it ran off the left side of the road. Mr. Patterson overcorrected, which caused the vehicle to overturn. Mr. Patterson was not wearing a safety belt and was thrown from the pickup truck. He died at the scene.
He was the only occupant in the vehicle. The crash remains under investigation at this time.
Mr. Patterson was once a driver in the Nationwide (Busch at the time of his racing) Racing Series. During his racing career he ran in a total of 39 races over a span of eight years, from 1982-1990. Mr. Patterson finished in the top five once, and in the top 10 on seven occasions during this time. In his racing career, he received a total of $27,195 earnings and raced at several tracks including Daytona, Richmond, North Wilkesboro, Rockingham, Martinsville and Dover. He also raced in weekly racing series at Southside Speedway and South Boston.
The racing community is saddened to hear of Mr. Pattersons passing. Billy Sawyer, owner of the Virginia Motor Speedway and former owner of Richmond International Raceway, fondly remembered him and some of the races in which Mr. Patterson ran. Mr. Sawyer described Mr. Patterson as a fierce competitor, who, took pride in himself, who always showed up looking good and raced as good as he looked. He also stated that Mr. Patterson, was always a front runner, adding he was terribly saddened to hear about Mr. Pattersons passing.
Rand Cournow, the director of marketing for Southside Speedway, called Mr. Patterson, a very influential driver, and that all those who knew Mr. Patterson at the Speedway were, all very heart-broken about the tragic incident.