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Yeley to sub for Mayfield, No UPDATE 2?: J.J. Yeley will drive the #41 Toyota for Mayfield Motorsports starting this weekend at Lowe's Motor Speedway. Yeley replaces Jeremy Mayfield, who was suspended indefinitely from NASCAR on Saturday after violating the sanctioning body's substance abuse policy [see story below]. "We believe in J.J.'s talent," said crew chief Tony Furr. "He's available for every race. So we won't be changing drivers. J.J. has something to prove just like we all do. We want someone that's hungry just like us. Everybody on this team has at one time or another worked for a larger organization. We're all racers who are all hungry, who all want to make the most of second chances and J.J. sort of fits that mold." The team is expected to name an owner of record shortly.(FoxSports - link gone)
UPDATE: Who will replace the suspended Jeremy Mayfield? That's the question on everybody's mind after Tony Furr, crew chief of the #41 Jeremy Mayfield Motorsports entry, rescinded earlier comments to FOXSports.com that J.J. Yeley was tabbed for the position. Speaking on behalf of the team, Shana Mayfield said no decision has been made but Yeley is on the short list. Mayfield was suspended indefinitely from NASCAR on Saturday after violating the sanctioning body's substance abuse policy. The team is expected to name an owner of record shortly, as Mayfield is not allowed to be owner of record during his suspension.(FoxSports)(5-11-2009)
UPDATE 2: also hearing that Todd Bodine and Mike Wallace are other candidates to drive the #41 Toyota.(5-11-2009)