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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Reportedly, after the post race debaucle of the on-track altercation between James Civali and Ted Christopher. James Civali has been stripped of his 4th place SK finish and has been barred from competing at Stafford Motor Speedway in the SK division. He says he will have an entry there in th Busch North division.
There's two can we hear three....
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
As a LM Owner, definitely not a big TC fan and am not privy as to what took place after the race that would validate Civali being sent packing. However the last few laps on the track had every fan on their feet. They are the "class" of the field in regards to talent and it would be ashame to not have our very own little Yankees/Red Sox fued take place every Friday at SMS. As for TC being DQ's in the LM Division, He needed a "YELLOW" in the last two (2) laps to win the SK. and was caught cheating in the LM Division. You be the judge.
Well, the police log is out on the Civali vs TC incident:
The following penalties were administered by Stafford Motor Speedway Racing Director Frank Sgambato during the April 24 Tech-Net Spring Sizzler program.
DATE ISSUED: 4/27/2005
NAME: James Civali
DIVISION: SK Modified®
RULES INFRACTION(S) : 1. Actions detrimental to racing
This is getting out of controll . To me Civali brings some much needed rivalry to the SK division . I know all TC's fans will say differently , but thats their opinion . And since when is letting out your frustrations outside the racecar "detrimental to the sport " ? Jack Arute just lost one heck of a fan favorite . Also when did T.C. such an angel behind the wheel?
Once again this is only my opinion , so take it for what you make it .
-- Edited by WhelenModified47 at 16:37, 2005-04-28