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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Legends Cars (20-laps): 1. Jay Palmer, Berlin; 2. George Whitney, ; 3. Johnnie Gloor IV, Flanders; 4. Ed Field, Deep River; 5. Dennis Pantani, Branford; 6. Justin Rau, Farmington; 7. Carl Blandina, Milford; 8. Kevin Nowak, Medford, NY 9. Giovanni Giarratana, Newington; 10. Stan Carpenter, Auburn, MA; 11. John Beatty, Merrick, NH; 12. William Munro, North Branford; 13. Peter Portante, Plainville; 14. Christian Pedersen, New Canaan; 15. Tom Pinson, Colchester; 16. Alessandra Vitelli, Woodbridge; 17. Tony Flannery, E. Hampton; 18. Mike Alcaro, Newton, NJ; DNS - John Weaver, Ashland, MA
X-Cars (20-laps): 1. Brad Voglesong, Middletown; 2. Curt Daddario Sr., Columbia; 3. Patrick Williams, Middletown; 4. Michael Marvin, Colchester; 5. John Bowes,Willington; 6. Steve Violette, Canterbury; 7. Randy Johnston, Westerly, RI; 8. Daniel Madore, Sterling; 9. Onie Pierce, Norwich; 10. Mike Trask, Plainfield; 11. Richard Gullage, Rockfall; 12. Wayne Shifflett, Preston; 13. David Amspacher, Groton; 14. Wilson Tenrreiro, Griswold; 15. Dustin Gage, Madison; 16. Rich Hurne, Groton; 17. Christopher Garside, Waterford; 18. James Ruddock, Oakdale; 19. Nicole Harris, Groton; 20. David Dalessandro; Coventry; 21. Jeffrey Lee, Norwich; 22. Josh Barrie, Voluntown; 23. Gary Stone Jr., Northford; 24. Arthur Phillips, Norwich; 25. Bruce Hall, Ledyard; 26. Shawn Butler, Jewett City; 27. Pete Zaikarite, E. Hartford; 28. Rick Mollo, Ansonia; 29. Mike Walsh, Goffstown, NJ; 30. Aaron Hillbush, Norwich; 31. Michele Cicio, Baltic; DNS - Paul Smith, Clinton
Super X-Cars (20-laps): 1. John Yagmin, Tolland; 2. James Consalvo, E. Hartford; 3. Mike Maskell III, Quaker Hill; 4. Charles Beal, Ledyard; 5. Al Potter, Waterford; 6. R.J. Cunningham, Clinton; 7. Steve LaRose, Griswold; 8. Mark Boisvert, Uxbridge, MA; 9. Alex Canesteri; 10. Kevin Moon, Exeter, RI; 11. Jim Lynch, Wood River Jct., RI; 12. Rob Corey, S. Windsor; 13. Dan Moon, Exeter, RI; 14. Dale Treadway, Griswold; 15. Peter Pollard, Old Lyme; 16. Paul Sheldon,Guilford; 17. Chris Bissell, Jewett City; 18. Tylor DiFrancesca, Lisbon; 19. Ken Dowling III, Branford; 20. Taylor-Marie Moran, Preston; 21. Michael Caprio, New Haven; 22. Gary Avery Jr., Waterford
X-Modifieds (20-laps): 1. Rob Gallaer, Sherman; 2. David Flammia Jr., Waterbury; 3. Richard Bubby Brouwer, Waterford; 4. Brian Rondeau, Blackstone, MA; 5. Dean Christensen, Granby