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What a joke this is just another case of Little showing the world how worthless he really is.I can't believe that he would make a statement like that.What a miracle the computers just happen to shut down a the exact moment the Teddy needed the caution to come out so he could pit without losing a lap or two and then go on to win the race.Teddy was the class of the field no doubt about it he definately had them covered but if the caution didn,t come out he wouldn,t have won.It,s just too hard for me to believe that if it was the second or third place car that needed to pit that the computer glich would have appeared at the exact moment to save them.The call with the 16 car earlier in the race was also another gem by the Tour Director.The 16 team has every right to be pissed off about that one.With what happened at The Icebreaker with the mess on pit road along with some of his calls during last season it is probably time for him to go.After all he is really the leader of the Mod tour and he isn,t helping the tour in any way,An example of this is tracks like Stafford shortening the next race and cutting the purse,just great.How about moving the banquet to North Carolina great again.Maybe if he would stand up for the tour and speak up instead of doing what he is doing the tour wouldn't continue in the tailspin that the tour is currently in. Its all about respect and credibility that the Main Man has to possess ,coming up with lame excuses like he does along with bad decisions I'm not sure that he possesses either and it will probably get worse if it continues.
This is more than a rumor it was in the blog by Shawn and the Hartford Currant .It was also on the Chrome Horn .If it wasn't true Shawn wouldn,t print it .I don't always agree with everything he writes but its usually not fiction or RUMORS>
I'm sorry Annon, but I have yet to read anywhere any OFFICIAL announcement of the Tour coming to and end. I have read how many feel it is only a matter of time, but not that it is a DEFINITE.
"When this division is not around in a year or so, or two years from now, then don't be surprised, that's about my opinion of what they're doing," seven-time Whelen Modified Tour champion Mike Stefanik said. "When it's gone we'll remember stuff like this being part of the reason."