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I found this posted at GreenWhiteChecker.com. It comes courtesy of Travis Barrett:
* PUBLIC RELATIONS PEOPLE cringe. Sponsors fear theyre getting negative attention. Promoters cringe at the idea of lawsuits and renegade justice being doled out.
But the fans and media eat it up, which is exactly what makes short-track racing so freakin wonderful. For those of us who cover the sport regularly, weve made the analogy to professional boxing time and time again. These guys say what they think more often than not, and its absolutely refreshing, even if its misguided or incorrect.
Another one of these great moments happened roughly half an hour after Ted Christopher beat Jimmy Blewett and Donny Lia to win the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour season opener last weekend in Thompson, Conn.
Christopher and Lia were standing on opposite sides of the press box, a crowd of media gathered around Christopher as he answered questions.
Donnys up my ass, full-throttle pushing me, and then Jimmys up my ass, full-throttle pushing me, Christopher said of the three-car battle for the win. I didnt know what the hell was going to happen.
But Christopher couldnt see past the assembled reporters, and he obviously had no idea that Lia was standing within earshot.
I was getting shoved! Lia hollered, needling Christopher.
Yeah, yeah. Ive heard that one before, Christopher said, continuing to keep the mood light. Always blame the third place guy.
And thats where it all took an uncomfortable turn.
I learned it from you, Lia said flatly. In a snap, it went from playful to biting.
Christopher just looked around, shaking his head slowly.
Yeah, I guess, he said, the tension hanging in the air.
Why even share a story like this, some people would want to know. Why? Glad you asked.
Because the next time these two guys are battling for the lead, or getting ready for a restart with three laps remaining, tell me -- is anyone with this information going to think that the adrenaline isnt ramped up just a little bit inside those race cars?
And that is what gets people to the track and on the edge of their seats in the grandstands. Like we're all not waiting for the next time Brad Leighton and Cris Michaud are running side-by-side at thuder Road, right?
Its not promoting NASCARs oldest division! or New Englands fastest race cars! Its about the honest-to-goodness personalities that pilot those cars, and the competitive fire juicing those personalities. Honestly, I dont care if Christopher and Lia are in Mini Stocks the next time theyre battling to win.
We all know something is bound to happen. And its not bad to write about it when it does.