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Record Registration Creates Full Roster for True Value Modified Racing Series
Canaan, NH. (April 2, 2009) -- Despite the countrys present economic status, the old adage racers always find ways to race certainly applies to the True Value Modified Racing Series. The sixth year touring division is gearing up for its season opener and as the anticipation grows for the new campaign, so does the roster of drivers.
Very surprised, said Jack Bateman, when addressing his staff at a recent pre-season briefing reflecting on the interest and registrations for the 2009 season. This is the highest registration count weve ever had going into the season. In these times its pretty amazing, said the founder of the New England based series.
To date, a record 53 teams have secured numbers and paid fees to compete. Bateman has structured a 16 race schedule in response and additional prize money will be paid this year.
Bateman knows all teams signed on are not going to compete at each stop on the tour. He is pleased that many newcomers have indicated they are planning to race in four to six races. That, coupled with the amount of drivers registered from other divisions, other sanctions, and weekly race tracks, leaves Bateman and his staff confident theyll have a good season despite the recession and a bright future.
Two new faces focusing on the tour are nine-time Lee USA Speedway track-champion JR Baril, Haverhill, MA; a standout racer in pro-stock and late model competition, along with Garrison Grubisa,Moultonboro,NH; a former Lee late model regular and ACT competitor.
Baril, who competed last year briefly with the TVMRS, was a weekly modified racer at All-Star Speedway, and will again drive for the Mordenti Race Team, Claremont, NH. Have some fun, do the best we can, tough competition there with that series, said Baril this week. The 32 year old second generation driver indicates the team will run as many events as possible but have the Lee, Waterford, and Oxford dates on their shop calendar.
Grubisa, a 24 year old former go-kart racer and Newtown, CT; native, will wheel a 2000 Troyer car with roots on the NASCAR Southern Modified Tour. An eight year veteran, Grubisa also plans to compete in as many races as possible.
Former Lee small block super modified driver Brandy Tree has registered with the tour. Tree, of Nottingham, NH; will become the third female driver to compete with the series. She campaigned a modified last season at All-Star Speedway.
Sanford, ME driver Jacob Dore is another All-Star Speedway competitor making the move to the series. We are planning on running the whole tour, said the 19 year old University of New Hampshire student.Dore, who is majoring in mechanical engineering, will drive the modified racer that carried Dwight Jarvis to the 2006 TVMRS title.
Modified standout Rowan Pennink, Huntington Valley, PA; has announced his plan to compete full time with the TVMRS. Pennink ran a few races for veteran and well respected car owner, Gary Casella. Casella has owned and driven modified cars for many years on the True Value Series with a number of different drivers. This year, Pennink will compete in the Monk Mechanics, Roscoe Racing sponsored #25 with one schedule conflict.
The 2009 slate kicks off Saturday night, April 25, at Monadnock Speedway, Winchester, NH. Race time is 6:00 PM