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From the True Value Modified Racing Series website:
Claremont Rookie Team Prepares For True Value Modified Series:
Claremont, NH. (March 28, 2009) - - Those that work together, often play together, and thats what two longtime racing friends and co-workers will do this summer. 31 year veteran Bryon Baker, and crew chief Phil Chastenay, both of Claremont, NH., and both in the cabinet making business, are on the growing list of new race teams venturing into open-wheel modified racing with the True Value Modified Racing Series, New Englands premier modified touring division.
The sixth year series will kick off an exciting 16 race schedule at Monadnock Speedway, Winchester, NH., Saturday night, April 25.
Baker, a racer since 1978, has driven full bodied race cars throughout his career and will be piloting a full blown modified for the first time. Never really desired to drive one until Phillie came along with this idea, Im looking forward to it, it will be a learning experience for sure, Baker said
Baker adds to the crowed roster of drivers that have switched from full bodied race cars to the potent open-wheel racer. Series standouts Les Hinckley, Rob Goodenough, Peter Jarvis, Jack Bateman, Louie Mechalides, Vinnie Annarummo, and Kirk Alexander, have all raced in Pro-Stock and Late Model competition with success.
The new ride is a 2000 Troyer racer, once driven by NASCAR modified ace Donny Lia, and by Seekonk Speedway Pro-Stock hot shoe Kenny Spencer.
For Chastenay, who has worked for several race teams over the years, its his first foray into modified racing as a car owner. I have always wanted to own a race car and have always wanted Bryon to drive it. Well debut at Twin State, (Friday June 5) where we know Byron is comfortable. Well try to make as many races as possible. The Lee and Seekonk events are on the radar.
One sure thing the new race team will find is guidance, help, and just plain old advice available to newcomers from fellow racers, something TVMRS teams are well known for. We have received a lot of help from Sean and Ernie Bodreau and we appreciate that, said the new car owner. Chastenay has been a crew member for both.