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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Rumors abound after the opening night show at the Waterford Speedbowl that not only have they put a stop to drinking in the parking lot after the night's event has completed, but that they will allow no more camping at the historical 3/8th mile Oval in Southern Ct. This is somewhat non-essential for the average Saturday night, but an almost unthhinkable act for the larger shows and especially the Tour and Busch North events.
In the 80's when we first starting going to the Bowl in the Motorhome, we would allow the parking lot to clear, while enjoying some adult refreshment, and then head all the way to the commuter parking lot to stay for a few more hours. Alliances formed, crew members gained, and the nights racing analyzed intensely short of a "power point presentation". It's all part of the racing. When the the coversation dinned, the crowds thinned, and the sun started to appear, we would head over to the McDonalds on 95 where refreshed, drank coffee and headed out for our two hour journey home. We rejoiced when The new management at the Bowl allowed camping, and I think the regular campers, which there are quite few, never took advantage nor made any trouble.
How are the tour guys from Long Island gonna catch the ferry at one in the morning? How are the teams that come from New Jersey going to make the arduous trip back home after racing all day? And on the holiday weekend? Don't even ask.
If the reason behind this rumored rule is the drinking, it's not the campers that the management, or the Town of Waterford have to worry about. Charge a fee after a certain time of night if they're not camping, they'll leave.
Instead we'll let kids in the pits........
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!