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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
After a hard hit Eric Beers is awake and alert a local hospital with a possible shoulder injury. We wish him all the best, and that his injuries are minor.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
When the checker fell on today's festivities, and the fans saw Zach Sylvester win the Icebreaker, some cars began wrecking in the back of the field. Well, even though Ted Christopher was the one who got the trophy, most of the eyewitnesses say that it really looked like Zach Sylvester was the winner. Over the loudspeakers, as the fans were cheering the win of the 15, they announced that Ted Christopher was the winner of the 2005 TIS Icebreaker 2005. The cheers turned to boos. Beer cups and garbage became airborn as the news of the upset sank in. And still cars were wrecking on the track. Top three per "the transponders" were the 13, 15, 50, one two and three respectively, announced the tower. Good run Zach. You'll get em next time.
As Ken Barry, who apparently was in of those cars wrecked at the checker, walked by the grandstands, he was booed and approached the fence questioning why he was getting heckeled by these rowdy fans. Might have had to do with earlier in the race Barry, while attempting a quick exit out of the pits to stay on the lead lap, almost wrecked the field. Fans have a long memory, apparently drivers have short ones. Quite the melee' in the stands as well as the track.
Awful thing is, as fans we live for these controversial finishes. Best thing is Eric Beers will be okay.
For the official finishing order, visit www.modseriesscene.com!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 19:17, 2005-04-10
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Was there as well Anon, and can't say that i disagree with you. It was close, but it sure as heck looked like Zach won. The fans sure thought so as they showered TC with boo's, cat calls, and asorted pieces of trash. Beers and Brode both hit a ton off of turn 4, Beers looked to be consious and alert and word was he suffered a shoulder injury. All in all it was a good race, a few to many multi car wrecks perhaps but all I know is spring is finally here, and so isn't RACING!!!!!
Yes it sure appeared Zach won but NASCAR made the call and if you see the video it is extremely close. To defend TC on this one, caution should have come out with seconds of him taking the white flag with the cars wrecked on the front stretch. Had that happened he would have won.
On Eric Beers, he is awake and alert. He has a broken shoulder and possible ribs. (Last night)..