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Coby To Run Czarnecki Brothers Entry in True Value Modifieds
Mods - 3/9/09
Doug Coby will compete in the True Value Modified Racing Series this season, driving the #20 Czarnecki Brothers Modified. Last season, the team fielded entries for Ted Christopher and Todd Owen. In the past, the Czarnecki Brothers team gained prominance by fielding the #711 for New England racing legend Bob Polverari. The team has also won a TVMRS race with Tony Ricci at the wheel. For 2009, the team will run a limited schedule of events starting with the May 9th race at Waterford Speedbowl (CT).
"Coby Lands True Value Series Modified Ride for 2009"
Milford, CT. (March 8, 2009) - - Milford CT. modified racer Doug Coby has secured a ride for the 2009 True Value Modified Racing Series season taking over the driving chores of the potent #20 racer, fielded by the Czarnecki Brothers of Southwick, MA. The brand new car was driven last year by NASCAR champion Ted Christopher, Plainville, CT; and Todd Owen, Somers, CT. The announcement was made Sunday.
The Czarnecki crew are no strangers to the 29 year old driver. They have helped him in the past on theWhelen Modified Tour. Coby speaks of the sincere effort from the Czarnecki crew, how hard they work, and how easy they are to work with. When the decision was made to put him in the car, something that almost happened very early on, he knew it was going to be a good fit.
"I have a lot of experience at the tracks they want to race at. That is a good race car, and I want to win. Its about bringing the car back in one piece and winning races. Im not looking to move on, I just want to have fun and this opportunity will be fun."
Was he surprised that he was tabbed for the ride? After all he was considered when Hall of Fame driver Bob Polverari retired. "Ive learned one thing, Ive been told or promised this or that in the past and I never believe it until the seat is bolted in the car and, the seat was bolted in last week." It was then he knew it was a done deal.
Coby furthered, "I have known Rick, Rusty, Bubba, the crew, and look forward to working with them. We saw that we can make it work with my schedule. We are planning on the two Waterford shows, the Thompson race for sure, and the Oktoberfest at Lee." Coby stated the team plans to look at other events as the season goes on.
Czarnecki would like to give both Beech Ridge and Oxford Plains in Maine a try if possible.
Coby admits he has been paying attention to the TVMRS. "Ive seen some great races when I have the opportunity to watch. There are some very competitive drivers there and I want to compete with them. I like driving full blown modifieds no matter where it is."
The new teams first race with the TVMRS will be Saturday night, May 9, at Waterford, CT.