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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
To say the Busch Series race at the Bristol Motor Speedway was, "interesting" would be an understatement. I believe the event set records for cautions and red flags, and had some tempers "flaring" afterwards. The three most notable incidents had to be, Johny Sauter being parked for 4 laps after a rough riding incident, then making them all up. Martin Truex Jr's run in with the lapped car of Geoffery Bodine. Then Truex's quote of, "I dont care who he is or what he has done in the past he is not going to race me like that". Last but not least, Shane Hmiel's dumping of Dale Jarrett, and Jarrett walking over to Hmiel's car, official's in tow and giving Shane a piece of his mind then right on the in car camera Hmiel flippin Jarrett the bird. Jarrett was reserved in his interview just saying, "where was he going he needs to use his head" Hmiel however was not so kind saying Jarrett had threatined to "get him" and that he "better hurry up cause he doesnt have much time left". Now here is where I get up on my soap box for a minute. My opinion on Hmiel is, I honestly think the kid can wheel a race car, but he doesnt use his head sometimes, and what comes out of his mouth most times makes him sound like a disrespectful little @$%& that doesn't appreciate the second chance he recieved after his suspension for the positive drug test. Now I am not saying he didn't deserve a second chance, and so on so forth, but do you think we will ever hear the name's Kevin Grubb or Jaime Skinner ( Grubb suspended for a positive drug test, Skinner an off track drug possesion arrest) again in big league racing?