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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Word is James Civali will be driving an SK Modified for a Long Island car owner at all 3 CT track in 2009. He may also team with the owner's Tour driver in a 2 car effort in select races on the Whelen Modified Tour.
Nice to hear james will be back behind the wheel again. This will put some excitement back into racing. Some people like to bash james because of his agressive driving but to me theres not to many racers like him. Yes sometimes he can go a little crazy but look at kyle busch, he's the whole show. Who wants to watch nice guys all the time.
when is aggresive gone to far ...when someone dies ...we have already seen enough tragidy in this sport .. and if the kid continues driving that way its bound to happen ..hes a head case and when you dont pay for the equipment its not a big deal ....what about tour teams on life support and they get takin out by a punk who has lost his head ...NO ROOM ON THE TRACK FOR TOM FOOLERY LIKE THAT THESE CARS ARE TO FAST TO DANGEROUS
Once again annons, we DO NOT TOLERATE DIRECT ATTACKS. While I do agree that dangerous driving is not needed on the Tour, I do not agree with driver bashing.
Like him or not, the kid draws a crowd! He seems to always be the focus of most post's. He hasnt drivin in a race since Riverhead Aug 2 2008 and hes still burning up this forum!