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they showed no attempt to try to dry the track, tells me a few things,
1. this was only gonna be a brief rain shower, roughly 90 mins long and as of 739pm et the rain is about 20 mins from ending,
2. they were proded by fox to pull the plug early..... because they did not want to fool around with the prime time programing
3. why not leave at least 1 good attempt to dry the track, a few years back they had no problem at all to go until 1am, i think it was either atlanta or richmond
4. with this ecomony nascar should have did everything possable try run the race as far as it would go, hell if the track was not raceable by 11pm so be it at least they can walk away knowing that they did all they could and not send 200k fans home like that, again look at the radar,
5. i dont even know if i will watch next weeks race or the week after, i am enraged to the fact that nascar bleeds money out of people that spend there hard earned bucks, sone of them cant even afford to do it but they went anyways and to have it turn out like that, its totally wrong
I share alot of the same feelings Scott. NASCAR has begged and pleaded with the networks for Prime-Time Television and BIG MONEY has been paid to these networks. I can understand that Fox had a bunch of new CARTOONS to show, but come on.
As for NASCAR, It's all about money and not about the racing or the fans anymore. The "powers that be" got their pockets filled, what do they care about the fans who saved all year to take a winter vacation to the Daytona 500 or Daytona 100 and something they saw today.
This is supposed to be 'The Crown Jewel" event of the season. If this race was any indidcation of what the 2009 season will be, I think I might start watching Dog Shows.
The whole thing in my opinion anyway, sure stinks of Na$car bowing down to the big wigs at Fox TV to get things over in time for their primetime Sunday night lineup.
If that was the reasoning, why not switch the broadcast over to FX or Speed it has been done in the past, and this was the Daytona 500 not a snorefest from say Chicagoland Speedway.
So you would think if they were ever going to go the extra mile to get a race in this would be the one for sure.
An as everyone has eluded to, in this economy I don't think if I was Nascar I would be making decisions that might make people think twice about spending their money on their product.
NASCAR comments on quick Daytona 500 call: Here's Robin Pemberton, NASCAR VP of Competition on the issue of if the Daytona 500 should be run to completion: "That's fine if we didn't have other obligations further on down the road. Teams had to start traveling out here Monday evening or Tuesday at some time. It is a great race. There's a lot of prestige that goes along with it but it is just one of our many, many races that we conduct during the season and all of our races basically have the same guidelines whether its rain-shortened and what we try to do for the fans and out of respect for the people who are sitting in the stands.(Roanoke Times)(2-21-2009)