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The Earth Technology SK Modified team of driver Frank Ruocco, will field a two car effort at the season opening Budweiser Modified Nationals, with Ruocco and Whelen Modified Tour competitor Zach Sylvester handling the driving duties.
Stash and steve still work for frank, zach drove his backup a few times at stafford. he was gonna run the fall final but the driveshaft broke in the car, and came up and caught zach in the arm.
Stash is definitly better at turning wrenches, than turning left no doubt about it. But hey, if he gets rewarded for his hard work with getting to drive the car, wouldnt any of us take advantage of that? Now I know what your thinkin, he shouldnt have his "fun" at the expense of other's that might not have the resources he has to fix their cars, but there is several "front running" drivers who it doesnt seem to bother when they cause wrecks and take out other competitors. So I guess what I am saying is, whats the difference?
oh, my first reply isnt in response to the comment about his driving, your right, he is much better at turning wrenches then he is driving. ive seen him drive a few times and he aint the best. personally i think he should focus on his crew chiefing jobs, especially since hes doing so much this year.
If racing is in your blood, no matter your expertise, or your particular connection, I think the dream is to eventually drive. Many of the smart one's realize that they are better behind the wheel, others on the toolbox. A great exmaple of this would be Robbie Reiser, who's smartest desicion in his racing career came when he climbed out of the car and put Matt Kenseth in. If for all his hard work, Stash is rewarded with the opportunity to drive once in a while, he should be allowed to run.
Even the best crash sometimes, right Stosh!
This one's for you!
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