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PERSONALLY, I think a good cost cutting measure would be finding a compound they could use at EVERY track. Too many times I have seen teams buy a set of tires to run two Time-Trial laps and go home. Then they NEVER use that compound for the rest of the season.
NASCAR requires teams to purchase their qualifying set at the track. This is to guarantee against someone soaking a set all week and bringing those with them for time trials. I know there are teams out there that use tires the next week for practice no matter the compound just to shake down the car. Compounds aren't different enough between the tracks for it to truly make a difference for practice.
Hmmm, things must have changed since my days as a crew member. Because we used to get tires from the distributor and mount I mounted them back at the shop.
Yes teams do shake the car down with tires from previous races, BUT when it comes down to fine tuning they ALMOST always go to stickers. I also know that many of the "big dollar" teams put stickers on after every adjustment they make.
As for the compound being close, I PERSONALLY do not really beleive that or they would use the same tires at every race. I definitely recall the "tire war" days when the Hoosiers were better for racing and the Goodyears better for qualifying. WHY? they were different compounds.
My only question is which direction do you go as far as tires? For instance, the last few years I thing the WMT has run a harder compound. If anyone saw both the R.o.C. and the WMT races at Chemung and Spencer there was a visible difference. The R.o.C. Pavement Series seemed to have much more passing and competition at both tracks with a softer compound tire. The WMT race at Chemung was very much a follow the leader type of show (harder compound) comparatively. I think if you are going to run shows that are 100 laps plus, tire management should be a factor. If it was an ISMA race (50 lap sprint) who cares. I just thing the softer compounds have put on better shows.
while i t would be INTERESTING to see Goodyear Tire involved with the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour, as far as I know HOOSIER will be supplying the tires for the Bristol Motor Speedway combination event. If someday has CONFIRMED information that states differently PLEASE let me know.
The compound change NEEDS to (and will) stay as is. You cannot Find a common ground when you run tracks as different as NHIS and Riverhead and everything in between. We also run pretty much double the laps the other MOD series run. The R.O.C. and TVMRC run M series (softer) tires, because they do not run the wide range of tracks the WMT does. Take the Hoosier right rear, where a 740 works at one track, a 640 works at another. People alot smarter than me (like Irish Saunders) have figured this out already!
Anon, you clearly know more about the tire componds than I, but when I watch a WMT 100 lapper at the speedbowl there are about 20-30 yellow laps that count towards the 100 but the TV series run 100 green flag laps as yellows do not count. So your argument about double the laps does not always hold true. And in my opinon the TV's put on a better show of racing at the bowl. Not knocking the tour because I love the mods, just maybe the tires they run, at the bowl anyway. It can also be that if they (TV) pit for tires half way through they do not lose a lap, just start in the rear with fresh rubber which makes for interesting racing later in the show.