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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
For the past month or so, with the help of both "Annons" and registered members we have generated ALOT of interest in the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour Gossip Section. We had a poll "Should races be shortened", a "Design your perfect race format", and a "Dream Team". After reading through all the posts, I decided it was time for another JUST MY THOUGHTS...so here goes.
1. RACE LENGTHS - Even before this became a hot topic in the gossip section, I felt something really needed to change with the length of the Tour races. I am NOT saying they should go to the "Flash Race" format, but something should be done. One response that stood out was the 80-Lap "Spring Sizzler". I know alot of people will probably disagree with me, but I feel 80 is ALOT more exciting than 200. Shorter races with MANDANTORY Pit-Stops I feel would really add excitement. Shorter races would also save on equipment maintainance.
2. CAR COUNTS - This is an area that I disagree with many people on. If 26 cars show up and 24 start there is NO PROBLEM other than 2 cars going home empty handed. Now if say 40 or more show up, there are WAY TOO MANY CARS GOING HOME WITH NO MONEY. So to me as long as enough cars enter to make a full field, there is no problem with car counts. I also like the uncertainty of what drivers will attempt what events. It is almost like the "Pre-Tour" days when different drivers would run at tracks where they felt they had a better chance of winning. I also feel that the QUALITY of teams matters much more than the quantity. Until we have less cars than starting spots, I am not too concerned.
3. HEAT RACES - This topic is BY FAR the most debated subject. Personally I feel the Tour should run HEAT RACES. I feel it levels the playing field for the lower funded teams. Any team with a "big steam" engine can turn two quick laps. I also feel it helps the less experienced drivers and teams have a better chance. I bet TC can turn a quicker lap than a Rookie at say Thompson or Stafford. I know there are risks of getting wrecked, but that is why this is a TEAM sport. Let's see who has the best teams to get wrecked cars repaired in time for the B-Main.
4. THANK YOU - All your input has been AWESOME. Alot of history has been rekindled, and several interesting ideas have been presented. Hopefully we can all do our part to help what I feel is THE BEST DIVISION IN RACING get the exposure it deserves.
These are just some of my thoughts, agree or disagree I would love to see your responses.
Thanx for reading, -WMT-
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 22:42, 2009-01-31
Here's another tought... should Nascar have a true blue Mod-man at the helm of the Tour? I think it would make a difference- pick one of the better communicators from the past. Guys like Brian Ross or how about Tim Connolly? There's 2 guys who owned their own teams and also drove for other owners on the tour....just another thought!
Years ago there was NEDOC- New England Drivers and Owners Club. An organization formed for the most part to have an unified voice for their interests and concerns involving modified racing. They were able to approach promoters and Nascar from a stronger stance. I remember Dick Armstrong (Owner Big Red 1) as President for years and Garbarino as Vice Pres.. I think Freddy Desarro's Dad (Pops') was an officer. The thing about Mod owners through the years is that they were a collective group of "rugged individuals". To get them all to agree or stand together was not always easy, there were many strong personalities.
The trick to this deal with the present cast of characters, is to come up with fresh (not recycled) ideas that will inject life and excitement in the Tour. The Tour has to grab attention of more fans and/or bring back some old ones. Thats easier said than done. I agree that some of the posts have great ideas that makes you wonder why Promoters and Nascar could not come up with or institute- when its their job.
Hey Mr. Moderator- How about everyone's favorite modified car of all time Posting! I like that other Annon's idea of having a "true modman" running the Tour.