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DeLange Modified Team press release on RaceNY states that Ruldoph will no longer be in the #45 mod and Eric Beers will be. The team will no longer race on the WMT and will stick to local races, I assume the R.o.C. tour and PA tracks. I am not sure how this will effect Ruldoph's tour status. He had formed a deal to race both with DeLange and Darling on the WMT for 2009. Anyone here anything else?
Sorry, not Darling, Bennett. But I thought Bennett was not willing to run the whole season on his own. Is he now going to or are they still planning on linking up with another team for the second half of the season? Is Hirschman still affiliated with Darling or is there some real validity to the rumor he will be running with Don King? I thought the Hirschman's were diehard troyer drivers?
From Shawn Courchesne's article at The Hartford Courant:
Bennett said he will continue to work with Rudolph, of Ransomville, N.Y., in 2009 and field a car for about half of the 14 event Modified Tour schedule, with Rudolph driving the remainder of the schedule in a family owned car instead of the DeLange Racing ride.
"The plans have been Modified a bit," Bennett said. "I'm not 100 percent sure what happened between [DeLange] and the Rudolph's. I just know that he'll be driving my black No. 59 for about half the races and there will be another car that Charlie Rudolph will maintain."
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 14:30, 2009-01-19
If the Rudolph's cant put up with Dave Delange,they certainly won't be able to put with Ed Bennet.I hope somebody warns them,because every driver Ed has worked with he has bad mouthed to the tilt!!! Maybe he should look in the mirror!!