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Wow, interesting when you look at the whole deal. Could it be that the touring divisions are costing to much for the tracks and the weekly racers? I have said it many times that when I go to the track to crew for a weekly team that supports the track and I have to pay an extra $15 to $20 dollars to get in and then most likely not get to see much of the tour racing because we are busy or have to move our equipment out of their way (tracks fault not tours). But also, other than the TV tour the racing sucks unless you like parades. And how many of the North series and Mod tour races have nearly 50% of the race under the yellow? At least the TV tour doesn't count them and you see a full race. Anyway, not trying to promote one over the other but when the races cost that much more and the races are boring and far less than the green laps you should see the crowds may not be as large thus the track can't afford the high price to get them to show.
I have NEVER understood why the track regulars must pay more to come race just because the "big boys" are in town.
At least Stafford offers a season's pass. Imagine some poor sap with a mini stock that wants to run the Thompson World Series? Why should he hafta pay $75 just to race a 20 lap feature. And Don Hoenig cries that he doesn't make money on shows like that.... BS
A full front gate with an upcharge can't handle the required purse for a tour. Up that charge more and spectators stop coming. The pit side is easy to raise the price on because 99.9% of them will be there anyway. Sucks but that's how it works.
The WMT could have 20 races for the 2009 season and pay $20,000 to win each race and Shawn would still bitch about the Tour. Does Shawn ever print anything good about the WMT ?