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Earlier Wednesday, 2006 Chili Bowl champion Tim McCreadie was injured in a crash during a preliminary event.
McCreadie, 34, was leading a qualifying semifinal when something broke in his car's rear end. The car flipped violently and went over a fence.
Examinations at a Tulsa hospital showed a fractured T3 vertebra and other damage. He was fitted for neck and back brace Thursday and was expected to consult with Dr. Terry Trammell, the renowned Indianapolis orthopedic surgeon.
McCreadie won the 2006 World of Outlaws late model series championship. Although he has spent much of his career racing on dirt, in 2007 McCreadie competed in six NASCAR Nationwide Series events for Richard Childress Racing.
Efforts were being made to set up a fund to assist McCreadie, who has no medical insurance, and offers of assistance with expenses have already started to come in from the racing community.
For now, donations can be made to the U.S. Auto Club and sent to USAC c/o Tim McCreadie Support Fund, USAC, 4910 West 16th Street, Speedway, Ind. 46224.
David Poole of The Charlotte Observer contributed.