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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
If I had a choice, I would pair Bobby Santos III with Mario Fiore. The only thing I have ever seen hold Bobby back is money, and Mario was the master of finding good sponsorship.
I really hope more people get involved with this topic, it could be quite interesting. Thanx again to the "Annon" user for the suggestion.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 12:10, 2009-01-12
Doug Coby In the King Racing #28 ran up front in all the races he was in last year. great team, great equipment, great driver. imagine if they could run the whole year together with no distractions? I think everything would come together great!
Almost looks like we might need two sub catagories for this one. "Present/Future" and "Back in the Day" combos. Once again another GREAT topic for wide open discussion.
This site sure beats the heck out of that other open wheel one.
Ya know "The Chrome.................something or rather"!
Interesting point "Annon". There are some past combinations that I would have loved to have seen. Thanx for the compliment, but I praise ALL sites that cover our FAVORITE Division of racing. I feel the more the division is put out there, the better chance of it progressing.
Just my OPINION.
I would also like to offer up my thank's to each and everyone who has added to the discussion lately, and commend everyone for as one poster put it, "The wide open discussions" without any bickering, bashing, and name calling.
And also a shout out from me to the folks over at the Chrome Horn as well, they do a great job covering the sport we all love and the staff and I at Making Laps know what a chore it can be to update an moderate these things all to well its not easy, an they along with a lot of the other local sites we have in the area do a great job.
As with this site or the others, there is a true opportunity to grab more viewers since the void left with the demise of Val's Speedway Scene newspaper and Howie shutting down Mod Series Scene. BUT, let's get back on topic. Past- *Mikey "Magic Shoes" in the Wilsburg 5 Fly'n Brian Ross in the Troyer 6 Present- Teddy C in the Barry's 21 Matt Hirshmann in Garbarino's 4
Its neat seeing some of the names from the past we raced with; Ross, Spencer, Radford, Magic, Sizzle, Sacks, Balough. But the true dream team was no fantasy at all, Richie Evans in B.R. Dewitt's 61 was the dream team! All of us who raced with him are better because of him! For the younger crowd, all I can say there was no better, he was and always will be the best. Good n you
Olie Silva in the old Fly'n 'O' Gremlin with the Super Wing on it at the open shows at the Bowl back in the '70s.
Richie was the King but Freddie D in old blue at Thompson in the early '70's not only had a bounty on him in the mod division (when they ran injected big blocks) he would take the same car and run with the supers the same night and get top 5's. There were extremely fast with what they had back then.
Annon, I won't ask you to reveal yourself (unless you want to send me a private message) but it must have been AWESOME to race with those names. I AM one of the lucky ones who grew up watching them race. From the mid 70's on I was old enough to appreciate what I was witnessing. While I was not really a fan, there is no disputting that Richie was and always shall be the KING OF THE MODIFIEDS.
And I definitely have to agree that the names of both drivers and car owners being tossed around is quite a history lesson. Thank you to EVERYONE for their input. It has been much greater than I could ever have imagined. I look forward to reading even more.
Thanx again,
Doug Coby in the #28. King stays crew chief, Woody Pitkat stays as shop car chief, and add Ryan Stone as the at track car chief. Look at the difference he has made on the #79.
Speaking of history, does anyone remember Lenny Boehlers Bi-Centenial Vega with Freddie D at the wheel at Stafford back in the '70s? It was funny, he had like a blue body with a red hood and a white trunk or some combo like that and as I recall the story Jack Arute told him to paint it one color to make it look more apealing and Lenny told him it was a Bi-Centenial tribute and left it like that all season.
James Civali Back with the 28 team he raced with in his first year. Don King crew chief Jay Barker car Cheif / Head mechanic And the combination of Civali's guys and King's guys Great team Winners in the first year and Rookie of the year
Scratch the big man and Jay Barker, and get Ryan Stone. The guy puts out winning cars where ever he goes. And who is still left on that #28 team anyway? they always seem to put out good cars no matter what. Is anyone still there from Asklar, Coby (1st time around) Haydt, or Civali?
Most of Civali's guys are gone. Two, I think remain. But not sure about 2009 if they are staying. Don King has some people who are still there I think.
The Big guy, He's the problem. The reason may left
Why is it that almost every thread in this section ends up turning into a, "Bash Don King and the 28 Team thread"?
Frankly, It's just geting old and tiresome. Let's not have to close a great thread down because certain people constantly feel the need to express their apparent disdain for Mr King or his team members.
I know who you are refering to, (And he is a Team member of the 28 Team, a key one at that.) That is not the point, I'm simply asking if some of you have a problem with the 28 Team air it somewhere else it just gets old after awhile.