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Very interesting! From looking at the E-Bay listing , it seems that whomever has the traction control device for sale has some other items for sale on there too, including a racing simulator set up that one of the DiPisa brothers had for sale on the Stafford website.
My only conclusion would be that somebody broke into DiPisa's house and stole the simulator and then listed it for sale along with the traction control that the thief had purchased himself. It obviously wasn't on that clean 81 this year.
This message if for mr fearn. You need to shut your little troll mouth. You obviously have no clue of what you talking about. I guess you wanted to show everyone your PI skills. Get a life or get a wife, and stop watching what everyone else is doing. I am a seller on ebay hence the selling of parts. I'll be happy to sell you a wife or life if you want one. Don't be jealous I can afford, and have the access for this kind of stuff to sell. Do you know how ebay works, I'll give you a hint, you can sell stuff that is not in your possession. And if anyone one else has a problem with my business please let me know, I'd be happy to straighten it out..
Mr. DiPisa, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for writing back so quickly in response to my earlier post. I honestly thought that nothing I had written about was a slight towards you or your fine race team in any way. The way in which you responded was a textbook example of someone suffering the effects of the well known Napoleon Complex disorder. You can Google that if you're unsure of the meaning. I did enjoy your rhyming skills though, wife and life was very catchy but you're no Lil' Wayne, maybe Lil' Doug, but definately not Lil' Wayne. Thanks again, Scott Fearn