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After winning the Craftsman Truck championship this season, Johnny Benson Jr. said he has no plans to return to any NASCAR series in 2009.
"Right now, I have other things I want to do next year that include making my new supermodified more competitive," said the 42-year-old driver who hails from the former supermodified hotbed of Grand Rapids, Mich.
Benson built his car a year ago and plans to race at Oswego Speedway, among other asphalt tracks. His father, Johnny Benson, won the International Classic at Oswego in 1966.
That was the year the Classic race distance was doubled from 100 laps to 200. Benson won the pole position, edging Howard Purdy's new driver, Bentley Warren, with whom Benson swapped the race lead in a torrid battle during the first 120 laps.
"I've been talking with Johnny (Benson) about racing his car at Oswego next year, and he said he is planning on entering at least three or more races," said Steve Gioia Jr., co-owner of Oswego Speedway.
"Johnny especially wants to run next year's International Classic 200," Gioia said, noting however that Benson will have to replace the independent front suspension of his car to a solid axle, which Oswego mandated last year.