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Sadler to claim GEM breached their contract: An attorney representing Elliott Sadler has filed notice in Iredell County (N.C.) court saying the NASCAR driver intends to claim that Gillett Evernham Motorsports has breached Sadler's contract to drive the Sprint Cup team's #19 Dodges. John Buric, Sadler's lawyer, filed an "application and order extending time to file complaint" Wednesday in Iredell County Superior Court. Sadler has until Jan. 20 to file an actual complaint if the parties cannot reach an agreement on their dispute. According to the form, Sadler plans to seek "injunctive relief, declaratory relief/specific performance, consequential and punitive damages as a result of Defendants anticipatory and actual breach of Plaintiffs' Driving Services Agreement. ... Plaintiffs also seek general, consequential, treble and punitive damages, and attorney fees, as a result of Defendants' tortuous interference ..." George Gillett, Gillette Evernham Motorsports, Anthony James Allmendinger and Ray Evernham Enterprises are named as defendants. Buric said Sadler learned on Tuesday that GEM had engaged in negotiations with Allmendinger about driving the #19 Dodges in 2009. Buric said there had been "communication" with Sadler earlier, telling him that a change was being considered. But he said Sadler did not know there had been actual negotiations until he received phone calls about media reports that Allmendinger was being lined up to replace him. "Elliott is ready, willing and able to fulfill his contractual obligations," Buric said. Sadler earlier this year signed an extension of his contract with GEM that runs through 2010. "Gillett Evernham Motorsports policy does not allow us to comment on potential or pending legal matters involving the race team," said Ryan Barry, a spokesman for the organization.(Charlotte Observer/David Poole)(1-2-2009)