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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
As we head into a new year, I figured I would get some thoughts of mine out:
By now most of you probably have seen my post about COMBINING THE TWO TOURS. I just wanted to take that post a bit further now.
I do not think that they should expect the SOUTHERN teams to come North, but I do believe they could convince the NORTHERN teams to go South. Everyone wants to run at Martinsville, I can not see many teams missing Bristol, and we all know how the drivers want Richmond back.
Before the Northern Tour begins, several teams usually run the opening races of the Southern Tour right now.
I think that SOME not all of the Southern events could become combination races. Caraway, Myrtle Beach, Lanier, and Concord are all tracks I could see hosting combination events.
A re-working of the two schedules around the BIG Southern Tour break.
Hey it's just a thought.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 20:49, 2009-01-22
I feel it would take someone with a little creativity and perserverance to create a seperate point fund for the combined tour dates. As far as I'm concerned, there are few left in Nascar. They (Nascar) have forgotten their roots. You would have to land a series sponsor for a point fund for the combined events only. Maybe with the top 25 spots paid. This would lessen the burden on the individual tracks purses. But the pot would have to be sweet. Have races like the "old Spring Sizzler", 80 laps-open pitting rules. Those were some of the best events I ever participated in, "balls to the wall" racing. Modifieds are exciting in that format, not 200 lap events. They are radical, exciting cars, so lets race them like they were meant to be raced. Cup racing is pathetic, so lets not try to recreate anything similar. Find the right 5-7 tracks, promote the hell out it, coupons for families ect.. You dont see the good old promoting anymore, I feel things work in cycles, maybe its time to put the fun back into racing and bring those fans back. Cup has left the families behind.
I second that......shorter races with drivers charging to the front would be a lot more exciting than the follow the leader 200 lap snoozers. Open tire rule with 75-100 lap races would sure livin' things up. The 80 lap SIZZLER format was awesome! How about some more feedback from other racers.
Amen!!! Wake up fellow racers!!! Just a thought on combined events- How about 2 races per a weekend. With teams traveling from north to south or vice versa it would save on travel expences having 2 dates in a region instead of one. With shorter races the wear on the equipment would be about the same. Post "Bounty Money" If a southern team from below the Mason-Dixon finishes in the top 3 they get extra money and the same for the north at a southern event. C'Mon BUD!!! Sponsor such a series and you would have a real BUD SHOOTOUT Open wheel style! Shoot, look at all the racing the Rapid Roman could do in a weekend! Good n you
Back in the day in the early years of the tour a couple of races started in the south with I believe Rougemont the Martinsville then North.I hope bristol has success and I would love to see a track like Bowman Grey get a combo tour race on the preceding friday following a bristol wed show hey everyones still in the neighborhood JMO
The North Wilksboro race I remember was shown on espn it wasn't a wmt event I can remember a schedule conflict with the north only some north teams showed up I remember Leaty in the 25 running strong. It was definately Rougemont I think they were on the schedule for 2 years in the mid 80's
I did a little digging on the North Wilkesboro Speedway events. They were run in 1986 and 1987 from what I can find (this may be wrong but is what it said).
According to what I found Jan Leaty won in 1986 with a last lap pass of Satch Worley.
In the spring of 1987, Satch Worley won going away.
The races were the "Lowe's 150" and in those years it would have been the NASCAR Winston Modified Tour.
I did even more researching and have found alot of information on the early years of the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour.
In 1986 the Tour began their season at Orange County Fair Speedway with the Goody's 150. Here is a link to more event information and full results from ThirdTurn.Wikia.com:
Following two races in the North (Spring Sizzler & Icebreaker) the Tour returned to Martinsville for the Pontiac 150. Here is a link to event information and full results once again from ThirdTurn.Wikia.com:
And to close the 1986 season, the Tour returned to Martinsville Speedway for the Winn-Dixie 200. Once again the event information and full results come from ThirdTurnWikia.com:
I remember the real old days ('70s) at Martinsville (spring Dogwood 500 & fall Cardinal 500) and they were open shows with drivers from all over the country and the northern boys usually kicked butt in the modified 250 and the old nascar late models 250 (became the Busch series) were dominated by the southerners.
That was cool because there were cars and drivers from the north, south, mid-west and who knows where else and the competition was fierce and the racing was great. 250 laps with open pitting and no tire rules.
Not sure I'd like to see them race that long these days but the