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Jimmie Johnson, the winner of yesterday's Nextel Cup race at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway #48 Chevy was found to be to low in post race inspection. And his Hendrick Motorsports teamate 2nd place finisher Kyle Busch, was found to have rear quarter panels that were to low on his #5 Chevy. Fines and punishments for these two teams, as well as the #29 RCR team for there qualifying day, run in with "long arm of the law" are expected on Tuesday.
Was watching Nascar this Morning pre race on Sunday, and Kenny Wallace put Mike Helton right on the spot with what I thought was a great question. He asked Helton, "why are they impounding the cars at all the ISC tracks (the ones the Frances own) and very few of the SMI tracks (the ones Bruton Smith owns) and was the reason for this because Smith was unhappy about the impound" (for obvious reasons, less time the cars are on the track, less fans in the grandstands) Helton responded that the reason was some of the SMI tracks have certain sponsor agreements, and while he really didnt give a good explanation by what he meant by that, I would assume Helton meant that the sponsors required so much track time for the cars. With that being said, it makes you wonder some times who's at the wheel of the "mother ship" Nascar, or the sponsors.....
Found a great article on "The Top 5 Cheaters in Nascar". In fact, I was fairly surprised that so many Modern Era fella's were in the top five. Deservedly so, it's the crew chiefs that are listed and not the drivers. Half of these drivers nowadays don't even see their cars until they sit in them to go out for practice. Do you think that they really know how to use a caliper, or even decipher the rule book for that matter? I remember many years ago I heard a quote from a well respected Cup crew chief, "It's my job to make the car go faster, make it better. Only way to do that is to raise the bar, when they realize it's something new, it's cheatin', until next year when it becomes part of the rules".
One of our local champions in the SK division was deemed a cheater a few years back due to a few rules infractions that he was completely oblivious of until they were pointed out to him in "tech" after a top five finish, (or a win in his case). But in the parking lot, it wasn't the crew chief whose name was used derogatorily in the mouths of the drunks, but his.
Sound familiar anyone?
just my
Click on the link the article by Ryan McGee, although completely entertaining, a somewhat wordy read.