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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Waterford Speedbowl cars Crystal Mall (Friday, March 18th, Sat March 19th, Sunday March 20th) I guess Rob Janovic is gonna be there does anybody else know who is gonna be there?
Hey Pat, we just got a call from a fan who is at the Crystal Mall. He says that the show is pretty good this year and there are quite a few cars. I'm sure that you will go and I hope that you will give us your opinion. I'm gonna give you a short list of the guys who chose to attend with their cars.
SK Modifieds- Both Shawn and Diego Monahan, Rob Janovic, and Dennis Charette
Late Models- Allen Coates, Larry Goss and Brandon Plemmons
Sportsmen- To the dissappointment of some of the fans, there were no representatives of the Sportsmen division attending.
There were two Mini Stocks represented, maybe Pat you can give their names...
I went friday night and there were a couple of cars. Rob Janovic, The Monahans, Charette, Coates, Plemmons Jeff Paul. Paul had his legends car there. There actually wasnt two mini stocks. One was a X Car for the wedsday night shows. Chris Williams was there with his new #91 MFR(Mohaoney Family Racing) mini stock and Vic Philips with his x Car. There is another corection to Roger Perry the #36 sportsman was there. the cars were all spred out the building so if you wernt on your toes a big group of people could have blocked you of seeing some ones car. Larry Goss had a real nice looking car. He went back to his old colors. Rob Janovic was there inperson and Shawn and Diago were too. So it was a pretty go pre season pit party for now. I cant wait for the opener to start in 14 days!!!!!!!!
thanks, I wasn't gonna go but it sounds like it may be worth while. SOme years have been pretty lame,and that was only friday night so maybe Ill go over today. I wonder if maybe more drivers will be there. Were they giving out schedules or prizes or anything?
Yeah many years only few have shown up. This year there was more cars from the Waterford Speedbowl at the mall then racearama. There was no prizes out but Shawn and Diego were selling hats and the 2005 schedule pamflit was out. Not sure if anybody else will show.