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I just noticed on Chuck H. website, there is no longer the picture of the 4. It had to be removed in the last 24 hours. So the rumored driver change may be in the works.
from talking with folks during speedweek at New Smyrna, Lia is in the 4, there is no driver as of yet for the 28, as big wayne the crew chief was there all week with Joe Brady giving him a hand, Matt Hirshman does not have a ride as of yet and Chuck Hossfeld is going to run the tour, not sure if the whole tour in the 22 car, which my understanding is one of the Troyer house cars with Troyer Bob's help.
Tom McCann, Jr plans on returning to Modified racing. The former Riverhead Raceway (NY) driver, and son of former Mod driver Tom McCann, has bought a Modified from James "Rupert" Sink. The Troyer car was previously owned by Donny Lia.
McCann recently sold the Super Late Model he had been running in the PASS South Series. Business commitments (McCann owns a restaurant called "McCann's Place" near the Mooresville Dragway in North Carolina) and lack of funding have kept McCann out of the seat for much of the 2008 season. He told Speed51.com that returning to the Mods means he is "going to have some fun again."
I assume the Hirschman rumor was in regards to the 21. I also heard Lia is definitely back in the 4 and those rumblings have been around for quite a while. I did catch wind early in the off season that talks between Santos & the 4 were legit, but when is the question. Tom Bolles is not going to return to the tour... car business real slow.
Word has it that Donnie Lia will be back in the Mystic Missile for 2009. Through no fault of his own, Lia lost his full time truck ride due to the downturn on the economy. Chuck Hossfeld says he run his own equipment in the New York area. Lia will continue to race the truck in selected events. In addition to the possibility of Hossfeld not being on the Whelen Modified Tour Series it looks like Matt Hirschman will also be missing from the line-up as he has not secured a ride as yet.
Woody Pitgate in the 28. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Wherever MATT goes expect him to bring several 48 crew members with him. I heard LIA is all set and in the $4. Does anyone know whos driving the 28 yet. I heard Coby was in the car. Is the 19 still around, and the 09.
Reading the #09 of Bobby Grigas III website, looks like he will be back on the tour with Kevin Crowley as his Crew Chief and a whole new team.