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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Heard Lia is all set with the 81 for next year...Garbarino will be back for another year with Chuck as there driver.......Matt Hirschman will be behind the wheel of the real 59 {white 1} Danny Sammons is retireing......So the 0 and the 77 are open...whos driving the 28 next year????As far as Bryon Chew goes that would be great...But I have asked Buzz over and over...he says possible...they were leaning towards Dirt racing...
Heard Lia is all set with the 81 for next year...Garbarino will be back for another year with Chuck as there driver.......Matt Hirschman will be behind the wheel of the real 59 {white 1} Danny Sammons is retireing......So the 0 and the 77 are open...whos driving the 28 next year????As far as Bryon Chew goes that would be great...But I have asked Buzz over and over...he says possible...they were leaning towards Dirt racing...
Could that special driver be back in the 28. Stay tuned
The RUMOR of Reggie Ruggiero being out of the #14 can now be put to rest.
Reggie WILL be back with the team in 2009. This comes from Brian Danko's Whelen Modified Tour Report:
I also spoke with part time modified tour racer, Reggie Ruggiero and he too was happy about Bristol but said losing a couple at Thompson will hurt his teams effort because they will generally run the New England races.
Chucks seats are still in the cars, but post season talks between Bob G. and Donny create many possibilities and scenarios with Lias' deep pockets, (before the current auto market). A call to Colton or Hutter may fill in the blanks. Bob G. has never shown his cards early. Plus, it is cheaper racing mods than throwing money at trucks.
A daring owner would try to lure Cole Whitt from the left coast to the northeast, for a couple years before the south latches on to another young USAC hotshoe.
I did a little researching on Cole, here is some information directly from his website:
Name: Cole Whitt Home Town: Alpine, California Born: June 22, 1991 Team: Keith Kunz Motorsports Equipment Dirt:Bullet Chassis - Sprint Car and Midget Equipment Pavement: Beast Chassis - Sprint and Midget Engines: Brannan Race Engines - Esslinger - Mopar Keith Kunz Crew: Keith Kunz, Pete Willoughby, Beau, Dan and Christopher Crew for Local Races: Chuck Gurney Jr. Education: Alpine Academy High School Hobbies / Interests: Radio Controlled Cars Tennis & Golf, Animals, Snowboarding, Motorcycles, and Camping.
Cole Whitt began racing at an early age. Racing BMX bikes when he was only 5 years old, he was winning races in the novice class and won his first national race. Cole was proving early, he had that competitive spirit.
Cole was first introduced to karting watching his cousin race. He was 8 years old when he asked his dad if he could race a kart. When most kids his age were playing with toys or out playing sports, Cole had different interests. His passion was to be behind the wheel of a race car.
From the west coast to the east, Cole has gone on to race all across the country. With hard work and dedication devoted to practice and seat time, Cole's accomplishments have been stellar. In just a short time, Cole has earned 8 IKF Grand National Titles, 2 WKA Grand National Titles, 8 Regional Championships, California State Championships, and many more impressive wins.
In 2004, Cole began racing a junior winged sprint car and progressed into a full size midget making his debut at the 2005 Chili Bowl Nationals in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Cole was the youngest competitor to make it all the way to the B main of the feature night. In 2006 Cole's plans are to run a full season of Midget and 410 Sprint cars.
Cole is a driver blessed with natural talent and the determination to be a race car driver. He has shown a natural understanding of the mechanics of how a car works and how he can make it better. He continues to learn and excel. Cole loves all aspects of racing and shares that passion with his family who supports him.
Cole Whitt is also a big animal lover. Cole supports a local preservation called Lions Tigers & Bears. It is dedicated to the preservation of big cats. Their goal is to preserve these incredible animals as they face modern day human over population and mass extinction from the earth. Click here more more information about their cause.
Whitts' a good prospect. But we have one here in New England in Bobby Santos. As for Santos, the rumor during last year's silly season was he was trying to get into the 4.
Hey just scanning the posts at work- Hows this for a Topic- What is your fantasy dream Mod Tour team? Pick a Driver and match up with an Owner. Love to see alot of feedback! The best ones might be the ones that could work.
Wherever MATT goes expect him to bring several 48 crew members with him. I heard LIA is all set and in the $4. Does anyone know whos driving the 28 yet. I heard Coby was in the car. Is the 19 still around, and the 09.
I have not heard who is CONFIRMED to be driving the #28. It would be nice to see Doug back on the Tour. As for the #19, I am not sure at all of their plans if any. The #09 is Bobby Grigas III, perhaps you mean the Greenfield Dodge #06 that Billy Pauch Jr. drove.
Anyone that has ANY iformation PLEASE post it.
just wanted to answer the rumor about the 12 sk. it was possible jimmy wasnt gonna run weekly, but has since decided to return to thompson on thursdays.