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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Stafford Speedway rule changes have cost Late Model teams quite a bit of money over the last two seasons. With the latest $8000. "Spec" engine and tube chassis rule, I think they have made it very difficult to compete without replacing the car and the engine. The built engine with GM heads is similiar in power to the built engine with the Dart head with th reduced compression ratio. But now throw an aluminum manifold, light crankshaft and a lighter flywheel on the "Spec" engine and you are up by 20HP. Do you really think that you will actually pay the claimed $8000 for this "Spec" engine? A few of the "Spec'd" components are a little cheaper, but not that much cheaper. Who's making out with these rule changes? The engine builders? Where's the logic behind these changes?
1: "Spec" engine $8000 ++ 2: Tube chassis $6000 ++ 3: Center link $200 4: Rear spoiler $100
As for the rules..........3 different engine combinations, 3 different chassis combinations.
Rear spoiler rule... why change it and who care what angle?
Piston valve notch rule for Dart heads on built motor... why? engine builder should make sure the valves have proper clearance. Small notches = more compression... no problem, that is covered by compression rule.
No Dykes piston rings.....another rule that requires engine to be completely dismantled to check.
I could go on and on, but what difference would it make?